Chapter 5- The five creatures

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Chapter Five

To her luck Cassidy didn’t turn up again all night, preferring to be off wherever she was. Elle was glad she wasn’t going to have another class with her twin for another two days, hopefully by that time Cassidy would’ve cooled off and wouldn’t be annoyed that Elle and Patrick had escaped.

Again at lunch Josh and Luca sat with Oliver, forming their own little group. Unlike last time Elle didn’t see Patrick or Key anywhere and when she entered the night class later on only Key was present.

Robin noticed that he was missing a student too.

‘Where’s your friend, Patrick was it?’

‘Oh, Patrick. He’s in the infirmary, busted his shoulder,’ Key explained.

In the morning Elle’s ankle had been a bit stiff but the night before she’d had enough common sense to put ice on it so the damage wasn’t too great and she was able to walk on it without being noticed with a limp.

‘Okay. You’ll just have to get him up with what we do tonight,’ Robin began the class.

That day’s lesson was all about the five creatures. Their benefits, their down falls, and how they were all connected.

Werewolves were wolves, mutated versions of them. They had the same format as the beasts but with the right training and method they could develop much bigger and much stronger, some of them ending up not looking anything like their ancestors at all. The wolf could track any living thing from hundreds of meters away, they could dig quite easily, and their claws and teeth could rip through wood. Werewolves hated pure silver but could still get pretty burnt with a semi one. They also changed a little on the night of a full moon, being able to use their powers to the best of their abilities and having stronger stamina. They had an infatuation with blood, which could cause them to attack more ferociously; this feature linked them to vampires.

Vampires love the night. Their skills become much more acute and stronger in the shadow of the dark and in the day time they often feel weary and tired though they may still use their powers.  Vampires have great strength in their legs, able to jump great heights or leap across buildings with ease. Similar to the wolf they are infatuated with blood, though unlike that of the beasts who feel the need to attack the blood, a vampire sees it as pleasure. They need the blood, but in a way that it can get the emotion of pleasure in them. They will not kill for the blood; instead they see that they must heal the person or thing that it comes from, as if they see the need to put the blood back in its rightful place (though sometimes they believe the blood originated from themselves even when it did not…). Blood and vampires are a complicated thing, but with training one is able to control the needs of its pull.

An automaton had the insides of a machine but had skin and features like a human. They had a very high pain threshold and could withstand heavy impact. They were able to accomplish hard work in a torturous environment and so were very good under many circumstances. If they were up to date and had been well maintained an automaton was very reliable, but as soon as they loose fuel, or an essential part gets destroyed, they shut down completely. Automatons are ever growing better with the improvement in technology and machinery, so they are increasing in popularity.

Skin-walkers are shape shifters, able to turn into any animal. Upon changing they are able to use that animals weapons, growing into their strength, speed, and ability. The skin walkers mind does not change to that of the animals, and are able to use their human senses if they do not want the animals. They must be careful though, because while they can benefit from the animals tools they also inherit their survival fears and faults. The skin walker also must be wearing a hide or pelt of the desired animal they wish to change into, this makes shape shifting a little more difficult.

At first glance at its features one would think a Leshy is a kind and peaceful creature, but they would be quiet wrong, especially when one sees the need to destroy nature. Leshy’s are connected to nature that they may help it and in turn it will help him on command. Leshy’s are very powerful creatures, being able to control the earth around them with a single word. If a plant is endangered before a Leshy the creature can become very vicious but if the plant is hurt a part of the Leshy is hurt with it. It is very hard to get a Leshy to fight if the need is not survivals tic, but they are very good workers and if you befriend one they will stay loyal. Their two main fears are fire and sound, for they can hear at a much higher frequency to most creatures.

‘So everyone, in the next few lessons we’ll be going over what demons are. Finding their weaknesses and choosing which creature would be best to kill them,’ Robing began packing up his desk.

‘What are we doing tomorrow?’

‘I don’t know. You’ll have to ask Cassidy.’

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