Chapter 28- Deceit and revelation

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Chapter Twenty-Eight

Elle didn’t know how it happened, or why the idea came to her, but almost instantaneously she knew what had to be done. The plan was a revelation, a clear path that crystallized in her mind. She didn’t particularly like it but she did not hesitate or second-guess.

‘Cassidy, I need you to get my book.’


‘My spell book, I left it down near the river.’

‘Elle. I don’t want to go back down there,’ Cassidy said carefully.

Elle rounded on her sister, knowing that it was crucial for it to happen.

‘Go. I need to cast a spell and I need that book. You get it while I set up. Please, we don’t have much time.’

Cassidy eyed her sister for a second, trying to figure what she was up to. ‘What are you going to do?’

‘I don’t know yet. I need the book,’ Elle repeated urgently.

‘Fine. I’ll be back in a second,’ Cassidy gave in, knowing the tone her sister used was important. With a sigh she picked herself up and began climbing down the rock face.

‘Thank you,’ Elle said, watching her sisters blond hair fade away. Elle froze for a while but as soon as she thought it was safe she pried her jacket open, the warlock book falling onto her lap.

Quickly she flipped through the pages, going to the final one.

She’d looked at it before, overwhelmed by the sheer size of the spell. Mr. Yuko had seen her looking, to which she’d hastened to snap close the book as he laughed.

It was a complicated spell due to how dangerous it was and how much damage it could do if cast right or wrong. Elle felt her stomach tighten, her muscles straining painfully as she read through the instructions. She knew she didn’t have a lot of time; she had to finish it before Cassidy got back. Elle knew her sister would try to stop her, to tell her that there had to be some other way. But Elle wanted to do it. She was a warlock, the only warlock left. And it was her duty as a Hunter to save the world.

So getting up she began the spell.

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