Chapter 8- What do you fear most?

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Chapter Eight

‘I want to know what you all fear most. This is not only a vital part to becoming stronger and more driven but it is also very important to becoming a good Hunter. In a battle an enemy may be able to uncover the fear and use it against you, and that will lead to nothing but death.’

‘I’m afraid of the dark.’

‘I’m afraid of masks.’

‘I hate spiders and insects. I mean it’s horrible with their long legs that crawl up your body and into your mouth….YUK!’

‘I’m…I’m afraid of…’

‘That’s easy, she’s afraid of water.’

‘No, I mean yes, I’m afraid of water but that’s not my biggest fear…I can’t really explain it but every time I think of it an image comes to my head. Imagine being forced to the ground, your legs and arms pinned or tied down so you can’t move. And then the enemy slowly tortures you or people around you….and your helpless to do anything about it.’

‘Wow…that’s creepy.’

‘I know.’


Cassidy didn’t turn up to the next class, and after having a talk with Robin the kids found out that their practice lessons would now commence every three days.

This then changed to every four days, and eventually ended in once a week. Every time Elle saw her sister she was looking more weak and tired then the previous time. It worried Elle, to see her sister like that, but whenever Cassidy caught her looking she was quickly reminded that they were Hunters and Hunters don’t lose stamina.

Two weeks after the accident at the lake Elle was called out of her regular class, and found herself standing outside an office, the name plate Mr Lewis blinking at her dully.

‘I’ve heard that your practical lessons have changed,’ he spoke when she entered.

‘Yes, we have them once a week.’

‘Well not for you. You will be having lessons every night with some specialized teachers.’

‘The whole class too?’

‘No, just you. Cassidy will not be taking them; instead you’ll have three new teachers, all specialized in different areas.’

‘What about my theory classes, will I be attending them still?’

‘No, you will be taking your new class tonight and will not attend any other lessons with…Mr Robin was it?’

‘Oh,’ Elle frowned; she didn’t quite understand the importance of it all. ‘Why am I taking these?’

‘Because the Council in Candival see great potential in you, they’ve requested for you to go the fast track for practical work.’

‘The Candival!’ Elle had heard of them. It was the main capital for Hunters, where they organized the Hunters movements and kept everything intact. She couldn’t believe they’d requested her specifically, did that mean they’d been watching her? Part of her was flattered by the idea and the other part was a little scared.

‘Here are your new teachers name and where the lessons will be held.’

‘…Okay,’ Elle took the paper he offered, not having much choice in the matter.

‘I advise you to wear simple clothes,’ Mr Lewis offered some advice.

‘Okay,’ Elle said as she left the office, her mind ticking through rapidly for some rational reason.

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