Chapter 17- The Northern Gate and Punishment

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Chapter Fifteen


Robin was shouting at the top of his lungs, banging against each of the rooms until the students began to emerge. With no time to change everyone was still in his or her pajamas, except Cassidy who must’ve been told ahead of time and was standing beside Robin with a smile.

‘Why did you wake us up? It’s still dark,’ Patrick grumbled.

‘Where are Elle and Josh?’ They were the only two who hadn’t appeared.

‘Oh,’ Eve rubbed her neck as she glanced at Cassidy with a worried look. ‘They’re incapacitated.’

‘What do you mean?’ Robin frowned and stepped towards Elle’s room.

‘NO!’ Eve leaped in front of him, shielding the door with wild arm waves. ‘….Um she sleeps naked so you can’t go in there,’ she blurted out the lie.

Robin did not move any closer after that but still demanded that they come out.

‘Don’t worry,’ Cassidy stepped forward, knowing full well why Elle and Josh weren’t there. ‘I’ll deal with them. You take the rest and we’ll catch up, after I make those two do a few laps of the village.’

‘Good idea, no use to let them hold us up,’ Robin nodded and then turned to the rest of the students. ‘Quick march out of here. I’m going to show you the North gate before we continue training.’

‘Can we change first?’ Luca asked as he pushed them to the door.

‘Nope,’ Robin said.

‘What! But we’re in our P.Js,’ Eve exclaimed and tried to push back against him.

‘OUT!’ Robin ordered and reluctantly the kids had to leave, trying to cover them as much as possible.

Cassidy waited a minute after they’d left before creeping into Elle’s room. Josh and Elle lay in one bed, tangled in a mess of sheets and bodies, the audible sound of snores coming from both of them. Cassidy tiptoed towards them, snickering slightly from what she was about to do. Leaning across the bed she placed her head right between their ears.

‘THE CAT’S GOTTEN OUT!’ She yelled right when both of the students were taking a breath. Josh instantly jolted, his eyes flying open, his body flailing and falling off the bed as the first thing he saw was a huge smiling face. He landed with a thump and it took a while for him to come to terms with what had happened. Elle had barely moved and didn’t even open her eyes, instead batted in Cassidy’s general direction with a hand.

‘Get away Cass,’ she muttered and then suddenly realized something. She sat up with a start, her head switching from side to side as she took in Josh on the floor and Cassidy.

‘Y….you…’ she pointed a finger at a smiling Cassidy. ‘You used to always say that when we were little. I’d forgotten.’

Cassidy shrugged and hoped off the bed, giving a hand to help Josh up.

‘You bloody scared me,’ Josh gasped and held his chest. ‘Why’d you have to say that so loud?’

‘Because…’ Cassidy stepped away and placed hands on hips. ‘You have some punishment to complete.’

‘What! We did nothing wrong?!’ Elle complained but as soon as the words came out of her mouth she knew it was wrong. Slumping back onto the bed Elle just accepted her fate.

‘What do we have to do?’

‘I’m glad you asked,’ Cassidy smiled. ‘You will be doing some running. You will run up and down the mountain once. Follow the path to the Northern Gate. You will have a guide who will take you up, then you’ll be sent back down here to me.’

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