Chapter 11- The experiment

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Chapter Eleven

The sun was bright, the beams of light streaming in through the curtain cracks like peaking children. Elle awoke to a pillow smacking into her face, again she was hit as she tried to sit up, and an eruption of giggles exploding in the room.

‘Common Elle, its Christmas!’

Elle opened her eyes to see Cassidy’s face pressed right to hers, the blond locks bobbing up and down as happy as Cassidy herself. She pulled a funny face, bursting in a new fit of giggles as she fell back onto the bed.

‘Hurry up, present time,’ Cassidy grabbed Elle’s arm with her chubby hand, dragging her out of bed and into the sitting room.

‘Wow,’ Cassidy gasped at the mountain high presents, seeming so much bigger to a young child. ‘Look at them all,’ then she licked he lips greedily. ‘I wonder which ones are mine.’ She leapt into the pile, digging her way through to find any with her name on it.

‘Look Elle, one for you,’ she thrust out a large red one, Elle’s name scribbled on the front.

She opened it, careful not to rip the wrapping paper, to reveal a gorgeous new Barbie.

‘Cool, you got Barbie in Hawaii,’ Cassidy opened her mouth wide as she inspected Elle’s new doll jealously. She then flicked to her own present tearing through the paper mercifulness in an attempt to see what was inside.

‘Whoa, I got skiing Barbie. She’s even got a little penguin!’ Cassidy’s face lit up. ‘We can play with them today.’

 ‘Santa definitely came today,’ Elle’s dad came in, his face glowing with surprise. ‘Did he eat the cookies and milk you left him?’

‘I’ll check,’ Cassidy shot up, scrambling out to the back door. ‘HE DID!’ She came back. ‘He even took the carrots for the reindeer.’

‘They must be pretty spoilt reindeer if he gets carrots at every house,’ their dad laughed and sat down at a chair. ‘So what did you to get from him?’

‘I got skiing Barbie,’ Cassidy thrust her doll out to his face, to which he took the right amount of time looking at it and nod. ‘That’s very nice. And what did you get Elle?’

‘She got Hawaii Barbie,’ Cassidy answered, fetching Elle’s doll.

‘She’s gorgeous Elle, you must thank Santa for that,’ their dad smiled.

‘Is there any more for me?’ Cassidy said.

‘I don’t know, you’ll just have to look,’ their dad shrugged.

‘I can see another with my name on it!’ Cassidy launched herself again at the pile. The morning continued with Cassidy running back and forth, handing out all the gifts to the family and unwrapping her own. Elle was a little slower, treasuring the time to hold and admire her new gifts.

While everyone else was going through their new toys Cassidy came up to her, hands behind her back and a sly grin on her face.

‘Elle, come over here for a second. I have something to give you,’ she waved for Elle to follow her. They went back into their bedroom and Cassidy crouched down on the bed with Elle.

‘Here, I made a present for you,’ Cassidy moved aside, revealing what she’d been hiding behind her back. Elle edged closer and realized that it was a book.

‘I’ve been making it for a while,’ Cassidy leant close to her sister, waiting excitedly for her reaction.

The front of the book was a mess of stickers, glitter and colors, a photo of the two of them stuck proudly on the front with the words Twins For Life above it.

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