Chapter 21- A true Skin Walker

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Chapter Twenty-One

Elle woke as the first few strands of light were creeping through the curtain. She stayed still for some time, staring up at the ceiling wondering about her life. It was one of those peaceful moments that every individual, no matter who they are, somehow find. A time when they can think of nothing but themselves; ponder the dreams that they have, and hope for the future. It is when someone makes those decisions that they could never choose; when everything becomes crystal clear.

Elle pondered, thinking about her past and how it had brought her there, how the memories had woven together to become a set of steps that she’d climbed to come to the present. There were more steps above her but they were hidden by a cloud of mist, and though they sometimes opened to reveal what lay ahead, they never stayed open very long.

Elle found herself getting out of bed, putting on a warm robe and leaving her room. She passed the doors, barely glancing out the window to the village that was bathed in a majestic sun glow. She somehow knew Patrick would be up and he was, sitting in his tent finishing Key’s paintings.

‘Luca wanted me to come,’ Elle stood in his doorway. She saw him freeze at her voice before he continued with his job, not bothering to turn around.

‘She did?’ He said casually.

‘Yes, she’s concerned about you,’ Elle moved in closer, taking her time.

‘That’s nice,’ Patrick said with no such emotion.

‘You should be kinder to her, one day you’ll wish you had.’

‘You know I could never provide her what she wants,’ he said boldly, his brush creating swirls of color across the canvas.

‘And what is it that she wants?’ Elle said quietly and sat down on the corner of bed to the side of him.

‘Someone to love her.’

‘No,’ Elle shook her head. ‘She doesn’t want someone to love her; Josh already gives her that. She would never admit it but she’s just lonely. She needs another support; with Josh falling away she’ll crumble.’

‘I don’t want to do that, I have my own problems to deal with,’ he shifted his body.

Elle sat silently, watching his back move with the painting, creating a fluid pattern that seemed never to end.

‘Show me the scars.’

He put down his brush. ‘No.’

‘I said show me the scars,’ Elle moved quickly, grabbing his body she yanked his shirt to the side and exposed his shoulder and back.

It was like her dream, the one of the Hunters at the lone tree. His skin was a patchwork of different animal hides, all woven together in a grotesque shape. It was a true skin-walker.

‘Who did this to you?’ Elle gasped in disbelief. Her finger went out but as soon as it touched the skin he flinched away. Patrick threw her off, covering his shoulder once again and stepping away from her.

‘I did it,’ he said but still did not look at her, just bent back down to his painting.

‘No you didn’t Patrick,’ Elle went to her knees beside him. She may deny it but they were alike and the time she’d spent with him had taught her how similar they were. She knew he would never have done that by himself. ‘Who told you what to do?’

‘No one,’ he barked out again, picking up the paintbrush he began to paint but the line had broken and he couldn’t get his rhythm back.

‘I know you didn’t do this alone. Who showed you what to do?’

‘No one,’ he repeated, his brush marks becoming harder and quicker.

‘Who put that idea in your head?!’ Elle was getting furious.

‘I SAID IT WAS NO ONE!’ Patrick anger burst out and he yanked his hand to the side. There was a huge crack as the canvas was ripped through the middle.

Elle froze as she stared at the tear, fear coming over her as her hand went to Patrick to see what he’d do. He was shaking, his whole body moving in an almost painful vibration. Elle stood abruptly, her heart beating fast as she began to step away.

‘LOOK WHAT YOU’VE DONE,’ Patrick roared and he span around, a shift beginning to come over his body as he lunged for Elle. She screamed as the huge beast of a boy bowled into her, throwing her at the wall. Elle fell to her feet but Patrick grabbed her body, dragging her up the thin wall until he had one clawed hand around her neck.

‘Please,’ she wheezed and her pleases began to work until she added. ‘Who was it?’

Patrick’s face was contorted, a mixture of different animals that couldn’t seem to settle on one. He growled and tightened his grip on her until she desperately kicked out. Elle tried to think whom his teacher was, the Hunter who’d been in charge of teaching Patrick how to control his creature.


Patrick paused and Elle saw something change in his eyes, a slight hesitation it was. ‘Rancoff did this to you. I can help you. I know what it’s like to be through that and I’ll help you. Please, Patrick, please.’

Patrick, the boy, stood before her, his hand no longer holding her throat. He was crying, his dark hazel eyes brooding with pain and sadness. Elle found she was crying too, sobs coming out of her mouth like a blubbering mess.

‘Help me Elle,’ he whispered and fell into her. She caught him, holding Patrick in a tight hug just as the room door was thrown open.

Elle stepped away from Patrick, a relieved smile washing over her features when she recognized the familiar faces in the doorway. Josh came to her, enveloping her in a warm hug. She couldn’t stay long though and soon she had to push away from him, explaining to the others what had happened. They’d been woken by the shouts and loud bangs but were relieved to find that no one was truly hurt. Afterwards Elle told Cassidy about Patrick’s skin and Rancoff, making sure first that Patrick was all right with it. Cassidy alerted Robin and together they took Patrick to a medical clinic and Robin went to confront Rancoff.

‘It’s an offense for someone to attach the skin to themselves before they’ve passed a certain level, and even then it has to be under strict regulations in one of Candival’s labs. I don’t understand why Patrick did it,’ Josh explained to the students afterwards, who were all curious about the problem.

‘Patrick was forced. I think Rancoff pushed it on him,’ Elle said with a sniff. Josh glanced to her, a worried look in his eye as he rubbed her back to ease the sobs. She hated to cry in front of them all, it was degrading and embarrassing but there was no way around it and if she left now it would be even worse. But they didn’t seem fazed by it; no one stared or commented, they all just comforted her.

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