Chapter 25- Hunting for Death

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Chapter Twenty Five

Josh had fallen asleep surprisingly quickly; his breaths coming low and long even in his condition. Every creak, every shake, Elle thought they’d found them, the demons. The fighting had stopped a while back, Elle couldn’t tell if that was because everyone had hidden away like them or they were just dead. She could hear the demons out in the streets, stomping, slithering, and crawling across the ground that Hunters had just been on. The demons had searched through houses at first, the sound of ripping metal, cracking wood, smashing rock; but they soon grew tired of the tedious work, they were not the most patient of sorts.

The children cringed every time one went past, holding their breaths as they waited for their deaths to come. But they’d chosen their house well and they were not disturbed. They’d found some food in a cupboard, enough to last them a day or two, and the water was still running.

They’d waited and waited, not knowing what to do.

‘Will you do it?’

‘Of course.’

‘But you promised,’ Eve bit her lip.

‘Yeah…’ Elle thought hard. ‘But he was half unconscious, he probably can’t even remember it.’

‘Yes he will and he will be absolutely torn if you leave, even if you do find the doc. I’m going,’ Patrick said sternly, and then added when Elle opened her mouth. ‘Alone.’

‘No. I was the one who thought of it, I should go,’ Elle tightened her fist.

‘A promise is a promise,’ Eve moved in beside Patrick, nodding her head in time with him.

‘If you’re going then I’m coming too, I will not stand for anything otherwise,’ Elle tried to keep her temper down, so as not to wake Josh.

‘If you come then we both die. I can do it quicker and easier on my own,’ Patrick crossed his arms, barring her way to the door. ‘Isn’t that what you want, to get the doc here as soon as possible,’ he nudged his head towards the injured boy. The wound had gotten worse, they could all tell that. Not only was it still spilling out blood but also now some strange goo that oozed accompanied it from the crusted edges.

Elle pursed her lips, knowing that that was exactly what she wanted.

‘I can shift into something small, an insect, a mouse; it will be so much safer. I’ll get the doc and we’ll come right back,’ Patrick said.

‘If the doc’s still alive,’ Elle muttered.

Patrick placed a sturdy, stable hand on her shoulder and made her look up. ‘I will find someone Elle. There will be others out there, and soon the Hunters who left the other day will be back and all will be fine.’ He watched Elle deeply for a few seconds, his eyes catching hers.

Elle’s body slumped, knowing she could not win the argument. He was right, the only one with common sense, she would only get them killed. ‘Go,’ she said meekly, her voice horse and rough. She turned, letting his hand drop and went back over to her spot beside Josh.

Eve gave a nod to Patrick, signaling he could leave. He glanced once more at Elle before he bounced to his toes and sprang towards the door.

Elle felt Eve come besides her, slinging an arm across her shoulders as the two girls clung together, watching over Josh as silent tears weld within their eyes.

‘We’ll be all right Elle. That’s a promise I’m going to make you,’ Eve whispered, burying her face into Elle’s hair.

Eve fell asleep, curled up on Elle’s lap, her tears soaked into her clothes of which she no longer cared about. Once Elle was ready she lifted the girl up, placing her down more comfortably on a blanket at the lounges feet. After she pulled a sheet over Eve’s body Elle moved to Josh. Easing herself in she gently lifted his upper body up and slid in beneath him. Tenderly she rested his head back down onto her lap, taking extra care not to touch his injuries. The jostling woke him up a little and he moaned, his eyes fluttering open.

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