Chapter 1 - Heterochromia

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Corbett's POV

"Well, what do you think of it?" I turn my head to see my cousin smiling, excited to witness my final steps away from the dark arts.

"It looks like a train." I confirm in my typical monotone voice.

He rolls his foggy eyes. "Obviously, but what do you think of everything? The students, the platform, the train? Are you excited, nervous? Come on Corbett, you must be feeling something!"

He isn't wrong. I am feeling something...the smoke from the train mixed with the noise of the students makes me want to snarl. But we won't show that. Just as Father taught me... "I feel indifferent." I lie with ease, making sure to keep any emotion out of my voice. 

He scoffs under his breath before grabbing my wrist and walking me towards the train. Finding an empty compartment I settle in as Ominis briefs me with reminders of who will be joining us. "Now repeat it back to me." The sandy blonde man demands.

"I told you that I understood. There's no sense in repeating it."

"Do it, Corbett. I may not be able to see, but I can tell you've been reading this entire time. These people are important to me and I need to make sure you understand what you should and should not say. Please, just repeat it." His voice sounds different as he keeps talking... Desperate? Is that the word I'm looking for? Ughh understanding these emotional responses is far more complex than I thought it'd be. 

Setting my book down, I begin repeating the details he informed me of very factually. "We will be joined by Hector Everknight, AKA the Hero of Hogwarts, along with Sebastian and Anne Sallow. They are twins and your close friends. Topics to avoid around them include: dark magic, curses, the twins Uncle Solomon, and Anne's physical limitations."

He lets out a sigh of relief. "Good."

I once again open my book as we wait for the others to arrive. Within 10 minutes our compartment has been filled and in addition to the three Ominis mentioned to me, a small brunette also joins who he addresses as Poppy Sweeting. I find his reaction to her odd as I watch her enter the car. He was first startled by her voice with his face going red upon saying her name. I thought perhaps they were enemies, but then he moved to sit next to her smiling and laughing. Very odd response... With my cousin's change in seats, it left Sebastian in front of me and Hector to my right.

Going back to reading I try my best to ignore the chatter going on around me. So much bloody noise! Do they ever stop talking!? Seeing a large hand come down onto my book, it pulls it from my grip. Looking up I see Sebastian's brown eyes flipping through the pages before making a look of disgust. Merlin, give me strength to not curse this idiot. "Why on Earth would you purposefully choose to read this?"

"It is important to learn history."

"But this?!" His eyes go wide and his forehead creases in disagreement. "There are far more interesting time periods."Holding my hand out for my book, he passes it back to me. 

"All history is of value." I state keeping my calm demeanor as I flip back to the page I was on.Feeling a presence to my right, I sense Hector hovering over my shoulder looking at the book in my hands. I try to ignore him, but his breath becomes loud next to me and I can't tune out Sebastian tapping his fingers on the window repeatedly. How can anyone relax with people this close? Shutting my book, I slide it into my bag and once again try to focus my mind on not exploding from the idiots surrounding me. Clearly I will not be getting any reading done.

"It was my first year at Hogwarts last year." Hector states. Turning my head to the dark eyed man, he offers a bashful smile. "You'll have to participate in the sorting hat ceremony with the first years. It feels really awkward with all eyes on you."

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