Chapter 4 - Haircut

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Corbett's POV

"You're incredible!" Sebastian comes down to walk on the grass of the Quidditch pitch with me. "If our game goes anything like practice then it won't even matter if we get the snitch first. We'll definitely beat them in points scored by you alone!"

I can feel his excitement grow, causing my excitement to also increase. We're going to crush Gryffindor in two weeks!

Spotting Garreth taking a break, I leave Sebastian's side and walk over. My eyes naturally look him over. He's incredibly muscular, a strong Beater for sure.

"Hey Bett!" He smiles upon seeing me.

"Enjoying practice?"

"I was, until our Captain started panicking and demanded us to step up our game because of a certain Chaser on the Slytherin team." I feel my cocky smirk show. "Thanks for that!"

We chat for a few minutes as others fly down to rest between drills. With the area around us getting overly crowded by sweaty students I grab Garreths wrist and pull him out of the crowd so we can lean near some of the equipment in a shaded area. "I could not handle breathing in their smells for another moment."

He lets out a loud laugh from my comment. "Well I am honored that my sweaty smell is acceptable."

I glare at him. "Please keep showering Weasley. Just because I can tolerate your stink, does not mean I enjoy it." As he continues laughing my eyes wander to see Natty and Imelda walking together, leaving the pitch. "What's wrong?" Garreth asks, noticing my expression change.

"That guy." Following my eyes he sees the large 7th year Ravenclaw I'm gesturing to. I watch as he slinks up behind my two friends. What is he doing? Suddenly I see him grab both their rear ends rather aggressively causing both girls to scream.

Without hesitation I take out my wand, anger filling my heart. How dare he touch MY FRIENDS!

"Accio!" The large man is pulled back towards me and I drop him roughly 15 feet from me.

"What the hell!" He yells.

"Silencio!" His voice quiets as no sound is able to escape his lips. "Septem Serpensortia!" Seven large black snakes are conjured in front of my feet. I feel Garreth move away from me.

Looking down I begin to speak, asking the creatures to attack. I watch with anticipation as the snakes shoot towards him. The first biting his arm, another coiling around his legs. The sounds of hissing fill the area as he's repeatedly struck by the snakes.

Suddenly they all stop their attacks, as I hear another Parselmouth order them from behind me. I wanted to see him suffer more. Waving my wand, the snakes vanish. I turn to see Ominis, red faced in anger. I glare into his foggy eyes.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU THINKING CORBETT?!" Ominis explodes in rage.

"FREAK!" I hear the man behind me yell, finally able to use his voice once again.


Looking past Ominis, I see the other students staring at me. Fear covering all of their faces....Freak.

My eyes scan looking for the redhead who I've come to rely on for the past two months...Freak!


Finally spotting him farther back in the crowd, I feel a pain in my chest as I look in his eyes. He is terrified. Even him...

Freak...Freak...FREAK!...the word keeps echoing in my mind.

Your Eyes - Garreth Weasley × Corbett GauntWhere stories live. Discover now