Chapter 22 - New Recruits

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Corbett's POV

Exiting my tent, I stare hatefully at the men I've been assigned to 'train.'

With six new recruits now under me, I am expected to teach them all to be proper dark wizards who enjoy killing. Marvolo truly is wicked... he knew assigning this task to me is far worse than having to cast the curses myself...

Here I am encouraging the scum of the Earth to torture, control, and kill.

I can't even think how many lives will be lost due to what I teach these vermin... but it is necessary. A necessary sacrifice I have to make in order to protect those I love... My Garreth is far more important than any of the lives these men will inevitably take.

As I have every morning for the past week, I stand tall with my hands behind my back facing the new recruits.

"Today you will each be casting the Cruciatus Curse." I announce to the group. Wicked smirks and laughter spread as they grow with excitement, eager to cast an unforgivable.

An enormous laugh erupts behind me, as my second in command, Ervin Boltnip, comes walking up next to me. "You boys think it'll be fun, huh?" He asks with his deep voice that is laced with hate.

"Pick a partner." I order without a shred of emotion in my voice.

Realization hitting their faces they pass glances side to side as they slowly move to stand in three groups of two.

"Decide now who will cast first. We will do this in two waves as it is your first time and will need some time to recover. One of you will cast on the other now. We will resume our normal work for a few hours, then you will switch."

"Umm, Miss? Why can't we just find some other people to cast it on?" One of the younger men asks with a cocky tone. He's probably only 19 or 20.

I shoot daggers through him. "We expect all of you to take on great pain without cracking." I take a step towards him. "Your pain tolerance will be pushed to the limit here and this will not be the only time you take the Cruciatus Curse."

"But Mi-"

"Ignis-Fulgur." Cutting him off, I blast him with the signature punishment my Father loves so much.

Thunder and lightning roaring around the recruits, the other five men stare panicked and full of fear as they see the dark haired man roll on the ground in pain screaming.

"As I was saying, the Cruciatus Curse, along with a few other spells will be included as part of your training to help build your pain tolerance. IF you are captured, we cannot have you relieving our secrets from a little bit of torture." Taking a few steps back, I look toward Ervin. "Assist this first group. I will handle the remainder in the afternoon."

"With pleasure, Miss." The enormous bald man replies, towering over me.

Leaving them too it, I take my leave entering my tent once again to grab a book and do my best to drown out the screams now filling the camp.

As the hours pass, I see the sunlight beam into the opening in my tent. Mid day already?

Exiting my tent, I once again call attention to the recruits who all stand at attention looking far less excited then they had earlier in the day.

"Ready?" I ask flatly.

Tentatively looking from one another, the groups once again break off and face one another.

"One at a time so I can watch your wand movements." Walking over to the first group I nod indicating for him to cast.

"Crucio!" The red light shoots from his wand in perfect execution as it hits his partner who crumbles to the ground in agonizing pain.

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