Chapter 25 - Don't Try And Argue With Me

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***Trigger warning*** This chapter deals with abuse and domestic violence. 

Corbett's POV

It feels odd walking these halls surrounded by people. It's been weeks since I've had a proper conversation with anyone...

Marvolo's been keeping me isolated since the 'incident' with the recruits... torchering me for fun...

Merlin, I'm exhausted...

He thought he broke me yesterday, but no... I have not broken yet... I will not follow his every order without question... I cannot let him fully control me... He is too violent and twisted. Worse than Uncle and even worse than Father.

I've never been to the Ministry before... it really is as busy as they say. Rows of fireplaces allowing workers and guests to enter in an instant via floo powder.

Walking behind Uncle and Father, I have to walk quickly to keep pace with their long strides. Unfortunately in my weakened state, I can barely walk at my normal pace, let alone match their speed.

Fighting to keep myself moving forward, I accidentally step on the hem of my skirt and trip slightly. Catching myself in time, I don't fall to the floor, but it's enough of a delay for me to be cut off from the two men as countless businessmen and women begin piling in and separate us. Doing my best to catch up, I try squeezing my way through the bodies of people.

Damn. The flow of people walking keeps pushing me further and further out. I can't... I just want to rest...

Stopping in place, I stand on my tip toes, hoping to spot them farther up the hall. Where did they go? I can't see over all these people!

"Bett?" A familiar voice hits my ears causing my head to turn. Bennett.

Standing about 5 feet from me near one of the fire places is Bennett Weasley, briefcase in hand, clearly headed to work for the day.

No. I can't think of them.

If I let myself think of them my heart will surely break and finally kill me... and if I die then Ominis will be forced to take my place. I have to keep moving. I have to find Father.

Turning quickly, my adrenaline hits, giving me a new wave of energy to make my way through the crowd trying to catch up to the two evil men who brought me here.

"Bett! Wait!" I can hear him call after me, but I keep my eyes and mind forward. I can't... I cannot risk them! I just have to forget them!

Finally spotting the two blonde men, I painfully jog the remaining distance and fall back in line behind them before they even notice I was missing.

Reaching the room we were assigned, they instruct me to enter first. The room is all black with a large wooden table surrounded by chairs. A woman and two men sit on the opposite side.

I immediately bring my eyes down as I feel them watching me. My newest punishments are unfortunately visible for all to see. With Marvolo now tasked with correcting my behavior whenever my emotions peak through or I hesitate to hurt someone, punishments are no longer restricted to just my back. He prefers a combination of using crucio and regular bettings with his fists.

Today, as I enter the room I am well aware that my left eye is swollen with a large purple bruise and my lip has been split down the middle with dried blood forming at the seams.

As we sit down, the woman in the middle pulls out a small green vial. "Here's a wiggenweld potion my dear."

"She's fine." My father snaps, knowing it wouldn't be an effective punishment if I was just able to heal myself after the fact. "Please get on with the reason we were summoned."

Your Eyes - Garreth Weasley × Corbett GauntWhere stories live. Discover now