Chapter 12 - My Love

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Corbett's POV

"Just know that no matter what I'm right here, my love." His words calm my soul.

'My love.'

Is that what he is to me...My Love? Is the attachment I have for him really love?

Why are emotions so difficult to understand?! I wish I could just confidently say it back to him, but I'm still so confused!!!!

"Thank you, Gar." Lifting my head a small amount, I press my lips to his cheek. I only hold them against his skin for a second, but it's enough time for me to feel a small amount of stubble that rubs against my lips, making my heart flutter. Moving away from him quickly I turn to walk back toward the house. My heart feels like it's beating out of its chest. This is terrifying! I might have a heart attack!

If this is love then I don't know if I can survive it...I can barely breathe!

Getting back to the house as I run away from him, I head up to Mell and I's room and start packing up, getting ready for our departure tomorrow. Oh I need to distract myself! It takes a good hour to pack up my items into my enchanted bag. As I close up my bag and slide it under the bed I've been sharing with Mell, the young girl comes into the room.

"I don't want you to go." She pouts as she wanders toward me, putting her head against my side.

"I won't be gone forever, Sweetheart. We have to go to school, but we'll be back for Christmas." Wrapping her into a tight hug I reassure her.

"I'm going to miss you." Her voice shakes a bit as tears start to fall from the young girl's face.

Scooping her up in my arms I sit down on the bed and hold her close. "I'm going to miss you too, but you're going to write to me all the time so you can keep me updated on your reading and what's going on, right?"

She whispers back shyly. "Yeah."

"What's wrong, Mell?" Garreths voice calls my attention as he comes into the room and sits next to me on the bed, taking his sisters hand.

Squirming in my lap, she crawls over into Garreths without saying anything.

He holds her calmly as she cries softly in his arms.


Opening my eyes I blink a few times as I adjust to being awake. What time is it?

Trying to lift my arm, I realize I can't move. Turning my head to look down, I realize that Mell is snuggled against my chest with Garreth reaching around her to hold us both in his arms. Right, Mell asked us to lay down for a little bit...I didn't even realize I fell asleep.

I wiggle my arm out from their grasps and reach over to rub Garreths cheek lightly trying to wake him. After a few seconds, I see the corners of his lips twitch up as his eyes start to open.

"Hey." He whispers in a groggy voice.

"Hi." I smile back at his adorable sleepy face. "We should get up or she's not going to sleep tonight."

He lets out a small laugh. "You sound like such a mom. It's cute."

Rolling my eyes I move my attention to Mell and slowly run my hand through her hair as she stirs awake. "Come on, Sweetheart, time to get up."

Letting out a sleepy yarn she stretches between us. "I'm hungry." She complains.

Garreth chuckles again as he sits up. "Well let's eat!"

Heading downstairs, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, and Bennett are already around the table eating lunch and chatting away. As Mrs. Weasley sees us coming in, she leans back in her chair, smiling. "Enjoy your nap?"

Your Eyes - Garreth Weasley × Corbett GauntWhere stories live. Discover now