Chapter 5 - Honeydukes

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Garreth's POV

After walking the Ravenclaw girl back to her common room, I finally am able to head to lunch. Merlin that took a while! But I felt bad just leaving after she started sobbing from my rejection.

Figured it was at least polite for me to walk her back.

Entering the great hall a good 20 minutes late, I find my group, but before sitting I notice a particular someone isn't there. She was with everyone when we got to the doors. "Hey, Natty?" I walk over to the table. "Where's Bett at?"

"I'm not sure, she didn't come in."

Amit tilts his head up, "I saw her by the entrance when I came in about 10 minutes ago. She was pacing so I didn't want to interrupt her." Why would she be pacing by the doors?

I know she's been bothered by the other students hushed comments...

Was someone rude to her? Did someone say something about her fight the other week?

She wasn't by the doors when I got here...She must be somewhere else. The Library!

Leaving quickly, I don't bother to even thank my friends and I don't have time to hear the snarky comments being made by Imelda and Hector regarding my concern for her. My sole focus is on finding Bett. I need to make sure she is okay.

I run to the Library and search every aisle with no luck...She's not here.

I use the rest of my lunch period searching everywhere, starting with our Patronus Practice spot near Lower Hogsfield, then to the Greenhouse, followed by the Astronomy tower...No luck. She wouldn't normally go anywhere else...

She must have gone back to Slytherin...Dammit!

Getting back to my dorm feeling a bit defeated, I sit on my bed. Closing my eyes for a moment, I am startled by the sound of my owls large wings, flying in. She gracefully lands upon her stand as she drops a letter onto my bed.

Grabbing the letter, I open it quickly.

Dear Garreth,

Anne was not feeling well and canceled our plans. Still up for practice? I will be waiting.


Without hesitating I jump up and run from my dorm to the nearest floo flame. "Lower Hogsfield!" I cannot get the words out fast enough. I need to see her. Arriving for the second time that day, I sprint up the worn down forest path until I see the rock that indicates where to split off.

Approaching the drop off that leads down to the clearing, I finally see her. She's sitting on the ground, face in a book...her hair is down. It wasn't down earlier...Looking closer I see her black ribbon laced through her fingers as she fiddles with it mindlessly while reading.

"Hey!" I call as I jump down into the clearing. The sound from both my voice and my thud startles her as she produces a slight gasp from my arrival.

"Garreth!" Her voice almost sounds relieved. "You made it."

"Of course!"

As she stands from the ground, she places the ribbon in between her lips and uses both hands to collect her hair trying to pull it back into her normal style. Reaching my hand out, I grab the end of the ribbon and pull, causing her to drop it from her mouth and into my hand.

She stares at me wide eyed with her lips parted and my eyes linger on her mouth just a bit longer than they should. "I like your hair down." I say softly, reaching out and grabbing one of her hands that is still in her hair. She doesn't flinch.

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