Chapter 23 - I Love You

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Garreth's POV

Sitting on my bed, I glare at my roommate as he grabs some casual clothes from his trunk.

Pulling a sweater over his head, he looks over at me. "Will you stop acting like this?" He begs.

My anger only increases, but I keep my voice calm. "Will you stop lying to me?"

"We aren't lying to you!" Bull shit! "I'm going to the library. Try to calm down before you go to work please." Exiting he shuts the door a bit more aggressively then is called for.

Waiting a good ten minutes to ensure he isn't coming back, I move to his side of the room. What the hell are you hiding?

Being thorough, I start looking through everything top to bottom. Nothing under the pillows or mattress. Under the bed is clear. Nothing taped behind the paintings or mirror. Would he be dumb enough to just have something in his trunk for me to find? He knows I go in there to borrow his clothes sometimes...

Deciding to check, I start taking out everything in his trunk carefully so I can remember what order to place it in once again. Clothes, more clothes, some empty vials, set of gobstones, letters from Anne... hmm a journal?

Pulling out the dark brown leather book, the feel of it in my hand is oddly comfortable. Moving back over to my bed I sit down and open to the first page. My handwriting.

Quickly flipping through a few pages I realize these are MY potion recipes. Notes, test results, scribbles of theories and ideas... Why can't I remember writing these down here?!

Flipping frantically through the remaining pages, I notice a few pages fall to the floor. Leaning over, I grab them quickly. Not pages.

Not pages at all...


The girl.

Shuffling through some of the photos my mind is a mess. The girl carrying my little sister... Her sleeping on my shoulder... Her and Imelda sticking their tongues out toward the camera... Her with all of our friends at the Three Broomsticks... And me...


Me leaning in and kissing her cheek...

I knew her... but... but why would I forget her?! Who would take my memories of her? Why would my friends lie about her?


I should have told Pippin I was sick... My mind is all over the place. I can't focus on work.

Standing in the back of the Potion Shop, I continue brewing some of the refills needed for inventory. Waiting for the next batch to cool a bit before I bottle, I once again pull out the photos to study every detail the magical moment captures.

What can I remember?

I remember Poppy taking photos that day on the train... Poppy also sat across from me on the train. Yes... yes... because it was Poppy, Ominis, Hector, and Anne across from Sebastian and I... But it wouldn't make sense for us to sit that way...

If there were six of us then it would be three on each side, but I remember it being two and four...

It's because of her... this mystery girl. She was sitting with me.

Alright... What else?... What else can I remember that doesn't quite make sense.

Looking at the image with my sister in it, I watch as she calmly carries Mell in her arms across what looks to be the train platform. She knew my family... But uhhh I can't remember!

Your Eyes - Garreth Weasley × Corbett GauntWhere stories live. Discover now