Chapter 17 - Confessions

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Corbett's POV

So soft... his lips were so soft. Oh and they were delicious. It felt incredible feeling him like that. Oh Merlin, why did I run away?!

I'm an idiot! I'm a fool! I should have confessed!

As I pace back and forth in the Undercroft my mind spirals thinking about what just occurred. The loud screech from the gate opening pulls me from my thoughts. Garreth?

The cheery voice of Poppy comes echoing through the large space. "This place is as amazing as you said, Ominis!"

"I knew you'd like it." My cousin smiles hearing the excitement in her voice.

"Oh! Bett! You scared the daylight out of me! Wasn't expecting you here." She giggles.

"I was just heading out actually." I quickly try to walk past them, but she catches my arm.

"No no! I finally got some of my photos developed. Come look at them with us! Please! I love Ominis, but he can't appreciate them the way you could."

"Ouch." He states sarcastically.

She places a small kiss on his cheek before dragging me down to the floor. "Oh you know what I mean!"

Spreading out at least 200 photos onto the ground I let out a laugh. "Merlin, Poppy! How many photos have you taken?!" I ask looking down.

"Ehh, I'm not exactly sure, but I'd rather have too many memories captured than not enough."

As we look through the photos I smile at the various magical moving images... Sebastian running up and giving Ominis a kiss on the cheek... Natty studying hard in the library... Ominis and I eating together in the great hall... Me walking on the train platform with the adorable Mell in my arms...

"Can I keep this one?" I ask Poppy holding up the one of Mell and I.

"Of course! Just let me keep the original, but I'll show you a spell that allows you to multiply the image and make copies."

Teaching me the spell quickly, I duplicate the image a few times. I know Mrs. Weasley and Garreth would probably love this photo too.

Looking back down at various images from the last few months, another particular photo catches my eye that causes me to blush in an instant. It's of me sleeping against Garreths shoulder while we are on the train. The magical image captures the moment where Garreth looks over at me lovingly and brushes a piece of hair behind my ear before rubbing my cheek softly.

I stare as the silent moment repeats over and over again in my hands. My Garreth. I run my finger over the image of the man I love. He's so sweet. So kind. So perfect.


The gate opens again causing all our eyes to look over. As soon as I see the red Quidditch uniform, my heart starts pounding.

"There you are!" Garreth calls looking at me.


Rolling my eyes I lean over to flick his forehead. "You've shown it to four other people. I am allowed to bring my best friend here."

"Garreth! Come join us, we're looking over all my photos." Poppy smiles while grabbing Ominis' hand hoping to calm him down.

"Sounds fun." He makes his way over and sits down next to me.

Poppy continues to pick up and show him every image, reminiscing about what happened that day or what led up to that exact moment. Garreth is far more talkative than Ominis and I, which Poppy loves as she wants to discuss everything in detail.

Your Eyes - Garreth Weasley × Corbett GauntWhere stories live. Discover now