Chapter 7 - Winter Holiday

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Garreth's POV

Staring outside the frosted window, I can't help but miss those eyes. Ughhh she plagues my every thought practically.

"Oy! What's wrong with you?" My older brother, Bennett comes up slapping the back of my head.

"Sod off!" I reach out to punch him in his side.

"No fighting!" Mom calls from the kitchen. "Garreth come set the table!"

Rolling my eyes, I walk into the dining room and slowly pull out plates for lunch. Never thought I'd want to be back at Hogwarts so badly.

"You alright, Dear?" Aunt Matilda comes around placing her hand on my shoulder.

"Oh, yeah. Fine." I force a smile, but it drops quickly once I resume my task of laying out the plates. Once I get the table fully set, I take my normal seat and wait for lunch to begin.

As my parents bring the food to the table, my little sister, Mellony, runs up to sit in my lap. Looking up at me as everyone else comes and sits around the table, she whispers. "Garreth, can I give you my green beans?"

I chuckle down at her. "Only if I can get your dessert during dinner."

She huffs as she jumps off my lap. "You're no help!"

Finally settling in for our meal, the usual small talk is made...What job Bennett is working on...How Aunt Matilda is tolerating the Headmaster...Nothing I really care about right now.

"Oh, looks like the mail is here." Dad states gesturing to the owl perched outside the window.

In an instant I am scrambling towards the bird. Flinging the window open, I grab the two letters that are in his beak. Please please plleeaasseeeee. YES! One of the envelopes is addressed to me. Openingly it quickly as I head back to my seat. I study every word:

Dear Garreth,

I hope you are enjoying your holiday. The castle has been oddly quiet with none of you here to pester me.

I have already finished some of the books you recommended. I found Wuthering Heights in particular to be quite a fascinating read, I think my mother would have enjoyed the dark themes.

Please tell Professor Weasley and your family I said Merry Christmas.

I'll see you in the New Year,


PS: I've found myself missing your endless commentary and facts as I walk the halls.

"Is that from Corbett?" My Aunts voice pulls me from re-reading the letter for a third time.


"Based on your smile alone, I'm going to assume that's a yes." She smirks across the table.

"Who's Corbett? Is he nice?" Mom asks, directing her question at my Aunt.

"Oh SHE is quite a lovely young woman."

"Garreth has a girlfriend?!" Bennett asks, shocked.

"She is not my girlfriend. We're just very good friends."

"Is she cute?" Dad chimes in from the end of the table.

"I'm not answering that!" I feel my face getting red.

"That's a no then." Bennett chuckles. Ahh bastard!

"She's stunning actually!" I snap at my older brother.

Your Eyes - Garreth Weasley × Corbett GauntDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora