Chapter 6 - Miss Me Already?

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Corbett's POV

"Confringo!" I send out another blast of heat from my wand, burning the barrel in front of me. Stupid thoughts!!!! Why can I not stop thinking about him?!

I tried taking a nap...didn't work. I tried reading...didn't work. Now we're going with violence! I launch another cast at the wall of the Undercroft as I scream in frustration.

"Someone's having a good day." I hear the voice speak as the gate rises behind me.

"Go away Sebastian."

I keep my back to him as I launch another cast at the wall. "And here I thought you and Weasley finally made it official last night."

"What?!" I turn my head to him, not hiding my shock. "We are not that!"

"Hmm. Well between his goofy grin this morning and Imelda catching you in a Gryffindor sweater last night, we all thought-"

"No." I shoot my eyes through him. "We are not romantically involved."

"But you want to be." He smirks.

I feel the heat on my face. "Wh-what?! Of course not!"

His wicked grin grows bigger, as he leans down and whispers in my ear. "Liar."

"Oh shut up, Sebastian. You don't know anything." I roll my eyes as he stands up right looking down on me.

"I know jealousy when I see it." He smirks down at me.

Jealousy? Is that what this emotion is?

"You have no idea what you're talking about!" I scoff under my breath as I hit my shoulder against him, walking towards the exit. Blasted Idiot!

Leaving the Undercroft my head is still a mess...Jealousy...Am I really jealous?!

What does being jealous feel like?!

Ughhh what does that mean if I am? Does that mean...I have romantic feelings for Garreth?! No... NO NO NO!

I can't!

I don't know the first thing about romance...I can barely understand my normal emotions! There is no way I have developed romantic feelings for my best friend!


Why did he have to get that stupid haircut?! This all started that damn day in the library!

I mean...

Even if I did have those feelings. WHICH I DON'T! I can't do anything about them. I'm...ughhh...I'm not in a place where I can be vulnerable with someone like that...even if I wanted to.

How could I possibly open myself up to someone completely? They would fear me...they would hate me.

He would hate me...wouldn't he?

Would his kind heart really hate me? I mean...if someone were to accept me...could he? Would I want him too?

How would I even feel if he accepted me...every part?

"BETT!" My eyes shoot open upon hearing my name. I spot the man who has been plaguing my mind non-stop running towards me from down the hall.

Leaning against the hallway wall, I take a deep breath and adjust my posture to face him. As he approaches, I see him go to speak but I cut him off. "I am sorry about earlier." I keep my eyes on his, making sure to read his expressions. "I have no explanation for my poor attitude towards you." Deep breath. I need to be honest with him. "Sebastian...Sebastian thinks I'm jealous." I can feel my face go pink. "I don't know what that feels like, so I cannot say if that is what I am feeling...All I know is that you are my best friend and I enjoy being around you more than anyone. I don't want to keep anything from you, but...I'm scared of you seeing who I really am...or who I was...before."

Your Eyes - Garreth Weasley × Corbett GauntWhere stories live. Discover now