Chapter 3 - Expecto Patronum

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Corbett's POV

I was relieved when Imelda asked for us to practice right away when we got back to the castle. I need to get some of my frustration out. I wish I could have just stepped out and ended Marvolo then and there.

She and Anne led me to a section of the grounds I had yet to visit. Walking closer to the Quidditch pitch, it starts sinking in just how high up we will be flying. I am glad heights have never been an issue for me. "We'll start with some basics. I want to see what your skill level is on a broom and how good your coordination is."

I nod, agreeing to Imelda's plan as we walk through to the grassy field. Mounting my broom, I easily tackle every task Imelda sets up for me as we train uninterrupted for around twenty minutes. By the time I complete her fifth challenge, I see some familiar faces begin to fly around us. Sebastian quickly tries to snatch the quaffle I am holding, and I zip around him leaving him in my dust.

"The hell guys?!" Imelda screams. "This is a closed practice!"

"Oh come on! We're just having fun!" Hector calls, floating on his broom next to Anne.

"Seb can stay! The rest of you non-slytherins OUT!" She points her finger aggressively. The rest of you? Looking around I spot a familiar red head mounting his broom and joining us, along with two other male Gryffindors I have not met.

"Come on, Imelda!" Garreth smiles as he passes the angry brunette. "So scared of us that you have to have closed practices?"

Before she has time to snap back, he flys away and up towards me. I can't hide the small smirk appearing on my lips from hearing his cocky remark. Damn. I really am competitive. "Help me practice?" I ask as he gets close enough to clearly notice my expression.

I see his eyes trace my face like he normally does. "Excited and Competitive?" He asks coming up next to me as I extend the quaffle out to him. I roll my eyes at his accurate guess. "AND an eye roll!" He gasps dramatically as he takes the quaffle from me.

Father would be so upset if he could see me now.

Showing more emotions.

Wearing trousers.

Hell, playing any games was forbidden in my home...the closest I ever got was reading a book on chess.


"This classroom is incredibly impractical." I complain under my breath as I try holding my skirt while climbing down the ladder from the Divination room, hoping to not flash any onlookers below.

I can hear Garreth chuckle above me. Finally reaching the bottom I wait for him to turn to me before I gesture for him to start walking.

"We decided on the Library, right?" He asks me as he takes a step forward.

"Yes. We do not need to brew anything at the moment so the Library should work well to plan out how we work on assignments for the term."

He turns his head toward me for a moment and once again flashes that cheerful smile. "Great!" Why is my heart rate beating faster again? As we walk I check my pulse, counting the beats.

"Are you okay?" He asks, looking at me confused.

I remove my fingers from my neck. "Yes. Just checking my pulse."

"Okay." He lets out a laugh and shakes his head.

Arriving at the Library we head upstairs and find an unoccupied table to take over. It only takes a few minutes to spread out all our notes and books for what topics we need to research and recipes we need to memorize.

Your Eyes - Garreth Weasley × Corbett GauntWhere stories live. Discover now