Figure You Out Part 2

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     Going home after the performance was awkward to say the least. Clay and George hadn't talked about it, and George wasn't sure if they were going to. All George could think about was what he was going to tell Maxine. Everything felt like it was too much right now.

Clay insisted on driving Nick and George home since they were both way too drunk to drive, while Clay hadn't drank anything. Though, George was feeling much more sober now. Clay pulled into the driveway at their house and turned the car off. "Alright guys, we better get you inside so you can drink some water." If they didn't drink water, they would definitely be feeling the effects tomorrow (that didn't sound too pleasing for any of them).

     George looked into the back seat to see Nick was asleep. They would have to carry him inside. "Clay, he's sleeping. I think you have to carry him." George didn't think he would even be much help since he could barely hold himself up. "Yeah, you're probably right. He looks like he'll probably be out for the rest of the night."

George watched Clay go around the car and open the door to get Nick out of the back seat. He watched Clay pick Nick up, had he always been that strong? George had never noticed it before. Though, there's a lot of things George had never noticed about Clay before.

     Once they got into the house Clay laid Nick down on the couch in the living room and went to the kitchen to get them all some water. He decided to get water from their Brita filter instead of the tap water since it would be colder. He brought the water back into the living room where Nick and George were.

"How are you feeling George?" Of course, Clay was concerned about his best friend. "I feel okay, better than Nick, I think." Clay laughed, "that's probably true." George smiled at the fact that he was able to see his best friend not look so uptight for the first time tonight. 

George felt like everything would be okay. However, nothing could've prepared him for the decision he would have to make. Because what George didn't know was that someone else had went to Clay's performance.

Maxine. And Maxine heard the song that Clay sang for George. And Maxine saw the way Clay looked at George. And Maxine felt like she would be losing the love of her life very soon. So, what choice did she have? She would have to do something that she really didn't want to do.

If George was going to break up with her, then she would have to do it first to at least keep some of her dignity. So, the morning after the performance Maxine called George to break up with him.

What she wasn't expecting, however, was George to beg her not to break up with him. He swore to her that he didn't have any feelings for Clay.

George promised her that he would stay away from Clay if that's what it took for Maxine to just stay with him. He said he loved her, that he wanted to marry her one day.

And then, Maxine said yes.


Yes to what?

Oh. Maxine wants to marry him. This is not what he was expecting. Now, he has to decide if he agrees to marry Maxine or if he leaves Maxine for his best friend. 

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