Chapter 11: The Aftermath

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"You. Are. Kidding. Me."

Changbin fell back into his chair as the others sat there with open mouths.

Changbin, Minho, I.N., Seungmin, Beomgyu (via Facetime), and I were posted up in the living room of their dorm. They had practically dragged me out of my car once I parked in the garage, our conversation had started before we even got to the front door.

"You cannot be telling me that fucking nerd, Lee Heeseung, sincerely rizzed you up. There's no goddamn way." Beomgyu practically screamed from his phone, I.N. slamming his feet down on the floor in agreement.

"Okay, wait, but was it a joke? What was his expression when he did it?" Minho questioned, slapping his palms on his knees and leaning in to study my face.

I did my best attempt at recreating Heeseung smolder, no doubt far less skilled, but it seemed to get the point across.

"HOLY SHIT, HE WAS RIZZING!" Seungmin screamed, causing the others to go insane.

"Oh my god, Elia, what are you gonna do about it?" Changbin smirked, quoting Heeseung's now infamous line.

"Fuck right off." I groaned, pushing him off of the coach from beside me. He fell to the floor with a thunk, everyone else completely oblivious to him.

Soju had taken its toll on the group, well except Beomgyu who is just always like that. A few bottles lay discarded on the table, shot glasses sat in front of each of us. Across from me, Beomgyu seemed to be almost frozen with shock on I.N.'s screen, in sharp contrast to the commotion being caused by the latter.

"Do you like him?" Minho demanded, grabbing me by the shoulders and shaking me.

"Minho, I just fucking met this man a couple of weeks ago." I groaned, trying to look literally anywhere but his eyes.

"Okay, but do you find him attractive?" I.N.'s phone screen was shoved in my face over Minho's shoulder, Beomgyu's face taking up the entire screen.

"He's literally an idol, of course, he's attractive. Someone could tell me he was sculpted by the gods and I'd just nod." I lamented, collapsing into Minho, and knocking I.N.'s phone to the floor.

"Tell him that!" Seungmin yelled over the chaos from the floor next to Changbin, who I suddenly noticed was recording with his phone directly pointed at me.

"Hey," I barked. "You know nothing leaves this room!"

"I do!" Changbin giggled, getting up and running away, probably going to lock himself in a room somewhere.

"Tell Heeseung, you're a match made in musical heaven. THINK OF THE SICK BEATS, ELIA!" I.N. exploded.

"That's it! I'm calling Heeseung!"

"Beomgyu no, I don't care if I just met you, I will literally lobotomize you!"

"Bold of you to assume I haven't been already" He smirked from the screen. "Why do you think I'm like this?"

I.N.'s screen lit up, signaling Heeseung was being requested to join the call. The panic inside me skyrocketed, I had to stop the call or my social life was over.

"Give me that you cockroach!" I broke away from Minho's grip, clawing for I.N.'s phone.

He jumped back, Minho caught on and pulled me away, letting the call continue. Shortly after, Heeseung actually answered.

"What do you dumbasses want, I'm gaming."


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