Chapter 13: Flicker

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3rd person POV

Barely touching his food, Heeseung stared at his phone. The last message that he had sent Elia had a 'read' stamp beneath it. For Heeseung, it evoked the same feeling as a pesky wasp hovering around food in the Summer, both terrifying and frustrating.

The fear of having been just a bit too vulnerable with someone he doesn't know as well as he wished he did. Even worse, it was now the second time he had decided to take a risk with being bold, and it hadn't gone like he planned either time.

He pulled down his grey hoodie from where it had been too tight around his throat. Or was it the hoodie? Perhaps the anxiety had a hold on him in a way he hadn't felt before.

"Hyung..." Jungwon started hesitantly, focusing on Heeseung from across the table.

"I'll eat in a second, I'm just not feeling it right now."

"I'll eat it," Sunghoon reached for Heeseung's tray, who batted his hand away.

Uncharacteristically, Sunghoon had blown through his meal. There wasn't a single crumb left on his tray, though weirdly a few Andes branded candies were piled in the corner.

"Are you saving those? You don't even like mint chocolate." Jungwon questioned.

"They're for Sunoo."

"Oh..." Jungwon trailed off, he pulled on the pink sleeves of his shirt.

Sunghoon stood from his seat, somewhat abruptly, causing the other two to jump. "Well, I-uh, I'm gonna get some more food. I'll be back."

Sunghoon knew what he was feeling, but rather than confront it, he decided to bury it. Preferably with a lot of samgyupsal and rice.

He trudged over to the food bar again, feeling a bit more sluggish than normal. He began scooping rice onto his plate, but admittedly zoned out halfway through, throwing an empty look towards the rice on his plate.

There are two types of people Sunghoon cannot bring himself to talk to: Women and Sunoo. Women for the obvious reason: he has no reason to and doesn't know how. Sunoo for... more complex reasons that he didn't even entirely understand.

Sunoo originally got on his nerves, a lot. Sunghoon couldn't even begin to process how forward Sunoo was with him. He felt as though Sunoo intentionally went out of his way to put him into awkward positions, from his flirty comments to Chamber 5.

Recently, however, Sunoo had not been as interested in him. He was hanging out with other people more often, and sticking to himself at the dorm. Hell, they even shared a room and Sunghoon had barely heard a word from him in a couple of weeks.

It was driving Sunghoon crazy.

Now today, he sees a picture of Sunoo with THE bi disaster of the company, Beomgyu. Needless to say, he was feeling off.

He couldn't even hide it in front of his members anymore.

He was head over heels for Sunoo.


Heeseung was not feeling much different from Sunghoon. Maybe a bit more taken aback.

A girl who he had known for just a few weeks had suddenly taken over all of his thoughts and free time. When Heeseung saw Elia hanging out with Beomgyu not once, but now twice in the span of a day- he was about beside himself.

He knew Beomgyu well, his charm was part of the reason Heeseung loved being friends with him, there was never a dull moment. But that was also why so many other people loved being around Beomgyu, and Heeseung hated the thought of Elia feeling that way too.

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