Chapter 15: Let Me In

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For a moment, neither of us moved, still shocked by the sudden sequence of events.

His hands still grasped onto my arm and waist, steadying me after my fall. I felt the heat rise in my cheeks once I understood I was leaning against him.

I slowly stepped away, stealing a glance up at his face. His eyes were still wide, and he dropped his hands as I moved. His cheeks had a faint flush spreading across them.

"So..." I began, but his eyes meeting mine caused me to lose all the words that had been swirling around my mind.

He nodded, looking up at the tiling on the roof of the elevator. His slender hands played with the sleeves of his sweater, which draped loosely across his wide shoulders. I never noticed how wide they were before.

"So, we've been trapped in an elevator by our friends, you mean?" He smiled sarcastically while giving a low laugh, his doe eyes finally found mine.

My body relaxed a little as the anxiety began to slowly diminish, I laughed with him.

"We'll at least I guess we can say they are efficient. That took about 2 minutes tops."

Heeseung leaned back against the elevator wall, for the first time he actually looked a bit nervous. It was so different from the Heeseung I have normally seen, it was a lot more vulnerable.

"I've never seen any of them work more diligently on something," he said thoughtfully. "I wish they would be like that when we have to do literally anything else."

"Well, I guess on the bright side that means you have friends who really care about you."

"That is true." He agreed.

There was a moment of silence as we reached yet another floor and the door opened, but closed as no one had entered with us. I leaned back against the wall Heeseung rested on, trying to stablize my shaking legs.

"Okay, so... what did they tell you?" He asked hesitantly, turning his body to face me slightly, our arms brushing in the process.

"Not much," I began, training my eyes on the doors in front of me. "They just think you like me, and that you were jealous of Beomgyu..."

I could barely get the last words out of my mouth, they felt so foreign.

"What did they tell you?" I asked in return.

He shifted a bit beside me.

"Well, you were there for the stuff with your friends and Beomgyu, so you know about that. Besides that, I'm not sure, they seem to just be speculating that you like me..." He trailed off.

My phone buzzed in my pocket, pulled it our quickly to try to break the tension in the room.

I opened a text from Sunoo, which read seven simple words: 'You can do it! Just tell him...'

I felt Heeseung shift beside me again, so I glanced over.

He gazed looked down at my phone screen, quickly scanning over the text Sunoo had just sent. I panicked and closed the phone, shoving it back down into my pocket. There is no way he didn't read that.

"What if they were right?" He questioned suddenly, his voice low.

When I looked up, he had completely turned to face me. His face did not match the seriousness of his voice, there was instead a slight smile and a hint of curiosity in his dark eyes. I felt like I could fall into them, it made it almost impossible to look away.

"Right, about what exactly?"

He bit the inside of his cheek and looked away for a moment, before returning his gaze to me.

The Producer- an Enhypen fanficजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें