12 - Breakdown

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Theo's Pov

I walked in the bathroom, wiped away my tears and cleaned my face which was covered in blood. I still haven't realized what happened.

I took off my t-shirt and saw the bruises and red spots where the guys kicked me, I had tears in my eyes again, I can't process it properly. I started crying my body was still in pain. I didn't think it would come to this.

I heard my dad knocking at the door, asking me if everything is okay. I didn't answer I just watched my body in the mirror, which scares me, scared of meeting Nick and his friends again, I didn't think it would affect me so much. I broke down, sitting on the bathroom floor I heard my dad coming in.
As Tim entered the bathroom, his heart sank at the sight before him.

He sat next to me and took me in his arms "Hey, buddy," Tim whispered softly, his voice filled with concern and love. I cried on the floor in my dad arms. My dad, who I never really seen cry until that moment. "Theo tell me what happened" He said with tears in the eyes. He squeezed me harder again, at that moment I felt how much I need him. I'm just 14 years old, I need my dad I thought.

I started to tell him what happened, still crying because I just can't stop. "Who?" He asked me "I can't say that dad, they'll make it worse next time" I said, I was scared.

I feel like I can never leave the house again without meeting Nick or one of his friends.

After ten minutes my dad looked and me "Get your shirt on, we gonna eat something" He said. He helps me stand up, gave me my t-shirt and we went over to the living room

I didn't tell my dad everything, I lied and said the boys were just mad at us about something. I also didn't tell him about the photo, I don't always want to remind him of it

"sit on the couch here, I'm coming now" Tim said and and got the pizza he threw in the oven before. It rang and Tim opens the door "you're right on time, pizza just finished" He said and they both went to the living room sitting down next to Theo.

"Don't you want to eat anything Theo?" Tim asked his son "I'm not hungry dad" He said softly and continued to watch the tv. "At least drink something please" Tim gave Theo a glass of water.

"Dad i'm really tired, I think I will go to bed" Theo said and stand up. "Wait, i'll take you to your room" Tim said. "Night Lucy" Theo said "Sleep well, Theo" She answered. Tim turned to Lucy and smiled but also looked confused, he was surprised that Theo spoke to her at all

"Good night and sleep well" Tim said to Theo "Night dad" Tim walked out of the room "Love you Theo" He closed the door, he was happy Theo is in bed now and can get some rest

"What a day" Tim said and flopped down on the couch "Did he tell you what happened?" Lucy asked him. "Yes but not everything and i don't think it's the whole truth. He didn't tell me who did that, believe me if I find the guys who did this they will regret it" Tim said.
"Maybe he's scared if he will tell you who did that, that it will be worse" Lucy said "Also maybe he needs some time to process it all and then he can tell the complete truth"

Tim sighed "I know you are probably right. But you know what what bothers me about the whole story? Theo told me he was going out with Noah and didn't even mention him, where was Noah? Or did Theo lie this morning, but for what reason?" Tim was confused and annoyed because he wanted to know what really happened to his son. "Give him the time he needs Tim" Lucy said

Lucy laid her head on Tim's chest "Today when Theo was at my door I was so worried. Even though I think he don't really like me, in this moment I realized how important he is to me" Lucy said. "It's so good to hear that and knowing that you care about him even though he wasn't really nice to you." Tim said.

Lucy lifted her head and looked at Tim "Thank you for always giving him a chance" He said and kissed her. "I told you he needs time, I know it will be okay one day" She said

The two watched a movie and then went to bed as well

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