chapter 2

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Harry was in the hospital wing for the next 3 days, until the nurses finally agreed that he wasn't allowed anymore calming drought. He had been under the effects of the potion for the entire stay, and the effects of the last potion he'd received the night before were wearing off.

As he became more in touch with his reality, his chest started tightening, his hands becoming shaky and sweaty. He felt as though there was a hand wrapped around his heart, squeezing so tightly it hurt. 

"I can't, please. Please, just give me more of that stuff and I'll be on my way, but I can't do it alone, I can't, please-" Harry stammered, his bagged eyes looking pleadingly at Madam Pomfrey as she escorted him out the door.

She'd woken him up earlier that morning with the news that he couldn't stay there anymore, and wasn't allowed any more calming potion. He had still been under the effects of the last one, so he hadn't really processed it, but now that it was wearing off, he was starting to freak out. 

"Headmaster McGonagall's orders, Mr. Potter, I'm sorry. I can't give you more and I can't let you stay here. Go to class, maybe go to counseling," Madam Pomfrey suggested softly, closing the door to the hospital wing behind him. He groaned, kicking the door frame lightly.

He backed up a bit until his back was against the wall, sliding down it to a crouched position, his knees hugged into his chest. He took some deep breaths, trying to think of his next plan. He glanced up and down the hall, not seeing anyone walking down it. He figured they must all be at breakfast.

He sighed softly, using the wall to stand up again, headed towards the direction of the Gryffindor common room. He walked past the Great Hall, looking in to see students talking happily amongst themselves, laughing and eating. 

Seeing Ron and Hermione in their usual spot at the Gryffindor table, he debating going in, then decided against it, just wanting to go unpack his things. He realized, though, that he hadn't even been to the dormitory yet that year, and didn't know the password.

He was just about to go into the dining hall when he was cornered by Neville, who was apparently leaving. 

"Harry? I didn't know they let you out, how are you?" 

He sighed, giving the boy a small smile.

"Yes, Neville, I'm alright," Harry spoke softly. "Can you let me know the password, though? I haven't been back to the room yet this year," he said, motioning towards the direction of the Gryffindor common room.  

 Neville looked like he wanted to press Harry for more information about his well being, but a sour look from Harry must have made him reconsider. He felt bad about it, but he wasn't in the mood to be questioned. He just needed to lie down and not be bothered. 

"Well, you see, Headmaster McGonagell said that since we're repeaters, there was no room in the regular dorms for us, so they whisked together a quite... different... arrangement for us," Neville said tentatively, looking at him with a worried expression.

Harry hung his head.

This day seriously cannot improve, can it? 

"Alright, Neville, where is it?" he asked quietly, pinching the bridge of his nose with his thumb and his index finger. 

"Follow me, it's on the way to my first class," Neville said, happy to help. He started walking in the direction Harry came from. They eventually stopped in front of a large portrait of a man on a horse, who smiled and waved at them. 

Neville left him to go to class, letting him know the password was 'acid pops.' 

After speaking the phrase, the portrait opened, revealing a small set of stone steps. He followed them up into a large room, with couches and tables circling around each other, red, green, blue and yellow decorations everywhere. 

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