chapter 4

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Harry stood in front of the mirror, grimacing at his reflection as he straightened his shirt. He could hear the bass of music thumping from downstairs in the common room, so he knew the party had already started. He took a deep breath, running a hand through his messy hair before trailing his fingers across his face, over his split lip and bruised cheek. The bruising on his face wasn't healing much, and now the bruises around his neck from Malfoy's hand were becoming more prominent.

He ran his fingers over the ones on his neck, finding his face heating up a bit. It wasn't the first time he'd been choked, but it was the first one he didn't find... awful. He shook his head, dropping his hand.

What's wrong with you? Malfoy choked you out, for god's sake. Get a grip. It sucked, just like everything he does.

He sighed, realizing no amount of fiddling with his shirt would hide the bruises and decided not to care about it. He turned around and headed for his nightstand, grabbing his plastic bag and pulling it out from its hiding place. He had given up on trying to tell himself not to, giving himself over completely to the devil on his shoulder that didn't care how it affected himself or anyone else. His eyes widened a bit as he realized he'd gone through almost half of what Seamus had given him, making a mental note to ask him for more so he didn't run out. 

He grabbed one of the pills, popping it into his mouth. He hesitated, debating on whether or not to take another. He normally wouldn't have, would have fought himself over it. He instead took another pill out of the bag, placing it on his tongue. 

He put the bag back where it belonged before walking out of the room, heading down the staircase. He held onto the wooden railing to steady himself as he strolled down the stairs, taking in the party from afar. There were flashing lights someone had levitated around the room, and multiple bowls of snacks floating around as well. There was a small area of people dancing, cups in hand, and another group of people on the opposite side of the room who looked to be playing some game. In the back corner, there was Seamus and some Slytherins and Hufflepuffs huddled around, laughing hysterically. 

Harry reached the bottom of the stairs and started to make his way to the corner when the drink table caught his eye. He was never much a fan of alcohol, and didn't drink it much, but he figured it was a party, so why not have some fun? He walked over to the table, glancing around at his options. 

He reached for the vodka, grabbing it and popping the top off before pouring some into a cup.

"Drinking to forget, Potter?" A voice from behind asked, causing Harry to jump a bit. He turned around, cup in hand, to see Malfoy, smirking. He looked like he'd had a drink or two already.

"You're the one who wanted me to come, Malfoy," Harry growled, taking a swig from his drink. He gagged slightly as the drink burned down his throat, realizing he hadn't put anything but vodka in there yet. Malfoy laughed at him, stepping forward. 

"Nobody said anything about wanting you to come, Scarface. I was just letting you know what was going on in the world, cause you clearly don't," Malfoy said, reaching out and grabbing Harry's cup, tipping it back and taking a swallow easily. Bringing the cup down from his lips, he let out a sigh, smirking at Harry, who's eyes had widened at the sight. 

"Not much of a drinker, huh?" he asked Harry, setting the cup down and grabbing the vodka bottle, pouring some more into Harry's cup. He gestured it to Harry, who shook his head. 

"I don't want just straight vodka, that's awful."

Malfoy glared, stepping closer to Harry, grabbing his chin with his free hand. "Oh come on, party boy, drink up. Let loose. Have some fun," he sneered, opening Harry's mouth with his hand and tipping the cup back into it, making him cough and sputter. 

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