chapter 14

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Draco groaned softly as he turned away from the mirror, giving up on making himself look presentable. He'd already been standing there ten minutes trying to get his hair to sit properly on his head. He had debated putting gel in his hair for the first time in ages, then decided against it, not wanting to even think about his hair anymore. 

He walked out of the bathroom and past Harry's door as he strode towards his own, stopping for a moment to listen. He heard nothing, no sounds of movement.

Shit, he thought, looking at the time. We're going to be late, he can't still be sleeping. 

He turned towards the door, knocking gently a couple of times on it. He waited for a moment, still not hearing anything. 

"Harry? I'm coming in, okay? I have to make sure you're not dead or something," he said with a nervous chuckle, turning the handle and pushing the door open. 

He found Harry instantly, his back to the door, curled up in a ball under the covers. 

"Harry, wake up. Time for class, we gotta go," he said from the doorframe, not wanting to invade the man's personal space. He sighed when he was yet again met with no answer.

Must be a heavy sleeper.

He stepped into the room, walking to the other side of the bed. He nearly jumped to see Harry was awake, his eyes open, staring at the wall in front of him. He stepped forward once more, reaching out and shaking his leg a bit. He then realized the male was shaking, tears falling from his eyes.

He instantly knelt down in front of him, realizing what was happening. "Harry?" he said again, a bit louder. "Harry, you in there?" 

Harry blinked a couple of times finally, his eyes locking onto Draco's.

"Draco.." he mumbled, his voice cracking. He was shaking harder, now, and Draco could see the panic and the pain in those marvelous eyes of his.

"Oh Harry," he cooed, reaching forward and moving some stray strands of hair from his face. Realizing he probably couldn't see too well, he leaned over to the nightstand, grabbing his glasses and placing them gently on his face.

"Harry, take some deep breaths for me, okay?" he said, his voice dropping into the calm, collected manner he usually used for Harry during these times. He didn't even try to fight it anymore, as he had in McGonagall's office. 

He didn't know how McGonagall knew this would work, or how she even knew Draco could do this, but he was glad he could. He felt bad not telling Harry exactly what he was doing, but it was still new to him as well. 

His father was a wealthy man with many wealthy friends, some with very... different... lifestyles. Draco had been exposed to these lifestyles from an early age, so he had picked up a few tricks along the way that he knew he might want to implement in his own relationships. The fact that it seemed to work on Harry was surprising. He wasn't even planning on trying to use those techniques on him, it had just come naturally.

Harry shook his head. "Don't feel good. Hurts."

Draco didn't know whether to feel sad for him or angry. When Weasley had stormed out of the Three Broomsticks the day before, he'd almost run after him and beat him to a pulp. He'd wanted to scream at him, to ask him why he was stupid enough to throw away a friendship with Harry Potter

A friendship that he now had. A friendship that he was elated about. He could barely sleep last night, he was so excited to be able to talk to Harry again. He wish he could tell his 11 year old self that he would be friends with the one and only Harry Potter.

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