chapter 17

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Harry was panting heavily, his head tilted back in pleasure as he felt the other male's lips exploring his body, pressing kisses all over his jaw, his neck, his chest, his stomach, going down, down, down his body. 

He moaned as he felt lips at the base of his torso, feeling his hands pulling at the only layer left on him. Feeling the lips leave his body, he whined as he reached out for the blonde man's head, grabbing it and yanking it towards him, their lips crashing together in a symphony of pleasure-

"Harry? Harry, are you even paying attention?"

Harry snapped out of his daydream, shifting uncomfortably in his seat, adjusting his robes as he looked to his side, Hermione staring at him. 

"What, 'Mione?" he asked softly, clearing his throat. 

"What do you mean, 'what'? You've been staring off into space the whole lecture," she said pointedly, gesturing to where Professor Flitwick was teaching the Aguamenti charm, a stream of clean water spouting from his wand into a nearby bowl.

Harry rolled his eyes and looked back at Hermione. "You and I have both known how to do that for years, Hermione."

Hermione hesitated, then nodded. "Well, yes. But you should still pay attention. I'm worried about you. You've been acting strange the past couple of days. More strange than normal. Is everything okay?"

It was Thursday, two days after everything that had transpired that morning between Draco and Harry. Not that anything had actually happened, or would ever happen. Harry had stayed in his room almost the entire day, ignoring Draco's requests to talk and his invitations to come eat with him. 

Once Harry finally did leave the room, he continued avoiding Draco, just going to class and pretending to pay attention to the professor. This was the only class he didn't have with Draco, and yet here we was daydreaming about him. 

"I'm fine, Hermione," he said, a blush on his face just from thinking about the man. 

Hermione raised an eyebrow. "You were thinking about someone, weren't you?"

Harry's eyes shot to hers, his eyebrows furrowing together. "Was not."

"You definitely were, I can see it on your face."

"I wasn't, Hermione."

"Who is it? Someone I know? Is she in our year?"

Harry groaned softly, dropping his head in his hands. Just then, everyone started getting up, collecting their things and starting to make their way out of the classroom. He quickly got up as well, not realizing he'd zoned out for almost the entire class. He grabbed this things, shoving them haphazardly into his bag, slinging it over his shoulder.

He turned and walked out of the classroom quickly, trying to get out of Hermione's eyesight so she didn't follow him. He speed walked through the halls, aiming for his suite. He was almost there, he just had to turn one corner-

Suddenly, his arm was grabbed from behind and he was being yanked into a small alcove. He groaned as he turned to face Hermione, who looked almost out of breath. 


"Come on, Harry! You used to tell me everything, now I feel like I know nothing about you. I miss you. Please, Harry?" Hermione said, giving him puppy dog eyes.

Harry sighed. He didn't know what to do. On one hand, he loved Hermione, and trusted her completely, and after everything he put her through, he owed her this. On the other hand, however, he was scared. Petrified, really. He hadn't even admitted it to himself out loud yet, let alone anyone else. 

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