chapter 5

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"What are you doing?"

Draco looked around the room, not noticing anyone else there but Potter. He'd followed him up to watch the aftermath of all the drinking, but walking in, he could have swore he saw him snort something. He knew Potter had been taking pills, but he honestly thought they were just medication, and had been only teasing him about him using recreationally, at least until he took that shot downstairs. 

Potter turned around, blinking a couple of times at Draco, his eyes not really focusing. "Wha-" he slurred before turning his head back around, seeming to forget he was even there. He was swaying in his bed, his head hung in front of him. 

Draco cursed softly and shut the door behind him, walking over to the boy and kneeling down, looking at his face. He looked extremely fucked up, and the bruises on his face and neck weren't helping. Potter looked up at him as if just realizing he was there and chuckled, motioning towards the bag of powder on his bed. 

"You were right, there was all-" he hiccuped. "-sorts of things. Do you want some? I know you hate me-" he hiccupped. "-but I can share with you-"

Draco rolled his eyes, reaching out and grabbing the bag. His eyes widened a bit as he realized what it was, glancing between Potter and the bag. Upon further inspection, Draco could tell he had taken some by the small bit of white powder still by his nose. 

He realized that he had indeed been using drugs the whole time and cursed softly, realizing that when he saw Potter's eyes the other day and teased him about it, he hadn't even been making it up, he'd been high the whole time. 

He groaned, standing up. Blaming it on the amount of drinking he'd done that night, he found himself wanting to help him. After all, he'd never really repaid him for saving his life from the fire during the war, and didn't want to be in debt to him, but that's all it was. A life saved for a life saved, so he would get Potter off the drugs so he didn't kill himself, and that would be that. That didn't mean he had to be nice to him, though.

Just keep him from overdosing or some shit, get him off the drugs, then you're free, no debt.

He went into the bathroom and threw the bag in the trash before turning back around, walking over to Potter and slapping him across the face. 

"Fuck- what-"

"That's for being an idiot," Draco snapped, leaning down and grabbing Potter by the front of his shirt. The boy chuckled, his head lolling from side to side as if it were too heavy for him to hold up.

"So.. happy-" he mumbled, looking blissfully ignorant to everything going on around him. Draco was surprised to feel a bit bad for him, but he shoved the feeling away. 

I've been there, he thought. That's why I feel bad, I used to get wasted all the time to not have to deal with the world around me.

"Shut up, Scarface," he hissed, "Where's the rest of your drugs? You won't be needing them anymore."

Potter whined. "No... They help-" 

Don't let it affect you, Draco. It's just Potter. You hate Potter.

"I don't care. Where are they?"

"No- Need them- Too scared- It hurts-"

This shocked Draco. He'd never heard Potter admit to being scared. He'd always thought he was too egotistical and proud to do so. 

He sighed and dropped the front of his shirt. He pushed Potter down, shoving his legs up on the bed and throwing a blanket over him for good measure, making sure he was on his side in case he ended up throwing up somehow. The boy began sleeping almost instantly.

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