chapter 13

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Harry was nervous.

He didn't know what to expect when he walked into the Three Broomsticks with Draco. He hoped Ron and Hermione would be understanding and give Draco a chance, but he honestly had no clue how it was going to play out. 

Him and Draco were currently making their way to Hogsmeade from the castle, following the winding dirt path. It looked almost as though it wasn't an intentional path, but one made from the excited feet of students over all of the years of travel to and from. 

Harry had always loved this walk, the crisp autumn air clearing his lungs and his mind. He looked all around and above him, taking in the tall trees with their orange and red leaves. He'd placed his hands in the pockets of his jeans, as it had gotten a bit chilly outside. He wished he'd brought a jacket. Draco had put on his woolen coat, and Harry had to admit, he was pulling it off magnificently. He was just jealous he didn't have a coat of his own, of course, though.

"What are you thinking about?"

Harry's attention moved to the male next to him, his eyes flickering from Draco's eyes to his nose, which was slightly red on the tip from the brisk air. He looked back at his eyes, realizing they matched the grey autumn sky. 

"Nothing. Just wish I brought a coat. I love autumn, but I always forget how cold it is," he said with a chuckle, squeezing his arms to his sides to try and warm himself. 

Draco chuckled, looking at him for a moment before he stopped walking. Harry stopped as well, looking at the male questioningly. His mouth fell open slightly as he realized Draco was taking off his coat. 

"Here, it might be a bit big but it's very warm," he said, holding it out to Harry.

He shook his head, his hands leaving his pockets and going out in front of him, motioning for him to put it back on. 

"No, no, I couldn't, really- You'll be cold, I'll be fine-" he said, trying to slow the heart in his chest that was threatening to jump out. 

Draco looked at him unbelievingly, motioning for him to turn around. 

"Your face is bright red and you're shivering. Come on, turn around," he said, his voice deepening slightly. 

Harry found himself turning around almost against his own will, placing his arms out to the side a bit. A shiver ran down his back as he felt the male step up behind him, placing the coat on each of Harry's arms before pulling it up his body. 

"There, that's better," came Draco's voice from right next to his ear, Harry nearly shuddering at the warm air against his cold ear. 

Draco came into sight as he stepped in front of him, chuckling as he saw the large coat on the small boy. 

"Now you're still red, but at least you're warmer," he said with a smirk, causing the red on Harry's cheeks to deepen.

Draco just turned around, continuing to walk towards Hogsmeade, which they were now nearing. Harry could make out the Three Broomsticks in the distance along with Madam Puddifoot's, Dervish and Banges, Honeydukes, and all of the other stores in the little village.

Harry quickly followed Draco, pulling the large coat around him tightly. 

They walked in silence the rest of the trip, Harry looking around at all of the different shops they past as the entered the village. There were a lot of people mulling about, and Harry was aware of the stares he and Draco were receiving as they walked together, but he didn't care much. He was used to being stared at by now, so he barely even registered it. 

Draco stopped once more a couple of feet from the entrance of the Three Broomsticks, causing Harry to stop as well. 

"Do you want to go in alone, first? Like- I don't know, warn them? Give them an out?" Draco asked. Harry was shocked to see that Draco, for probably one of the first times in his life, looked nervous

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