chapter 19

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Harry stared at the man in front of him, his mouth still parted slightly, lips somewhat swollen. He felt like he was in a daze, his head foggy, arms still wrapped around the male's neck. 

Draco bit his lip, looking at Harry with a glint in his eye.

"Fuck, I'm not going to lie, you look really hot like that," Draco purred, his hand moving from the back of Harry's neck to his hair, running his fingers through it. They snagged on a knot, tugging on his scalp. It took every ounce of self control Harry had not to moan. 

Harry finally closed his mouth, swallowing thickly. He could still feel the ghost of Draco's lips against his, could taste the lingering toothpaste. 

"You- I- You kissed me?" Harry said, and though it was a statement, it came out as more of a question. 

Draco chuckled softly and nodded. "I did do that. I'm sorry I didn't ask permission, I normally try to do that, but... I just couldn't stop myself, honestly. You just look amazing right now. Not that you normally don't, you always look amazing, but- even more than I thought possible. And that blush you get is too fucking adorable. But, either way, I apologize if that is not what you wanted."

Harry thought he might die. He thought he might just melt right into this bench he was sitting on, and cease to exist. He felt like screaming, like dancing, like singing. His chest felt warm like melted butter, his heart rhythm definitely abnormal. 

"You kissed me," he said again. It seemed like the only thing he could get out at the moment. 

Draco's eyebrows raised in amusement, his smile broadening. "I did, that is correct. And-" he dropped his voice into a low whisper, bringing his mouth close to Harry's ear. "You kissed me back."

Harry shuddered at the warm air brushing past his ear, feeling a pit of arousal growing at the bottom of his stomach. He then realized how close they still were, Harry wrapped around him. He quickly backed away, placing his hands in his lap so he didn't touch the male involuntarily. 

"I- You-"

"Kissed you? Yes, Harry, we've established this."

"But you-"





"Because I wanted to."

Harry didn't say anything for a moment then, trying to let the situation sink into his brain. Even just remembering the kiss made him feel hot and bothered. 

"So- what- I mean- What does this-" Harry stammered, not really sure how to go from here. 

Draco smiled.  "Well, first of all. I think you might need some time to figure out what you want. I mean, you seemed to enjoy it, but I don't want to speak for you, or decide for you. I don't even know if you like guys, I've only ever seen you with girls."

"I like guys. Well- guy. I like- I like a guy, singular, at least- yeah," Harry said, stumbling over his words. He blushed furiously, using his hands to hide his face. 

Draco reached forward, wrapping his hands around Harry's wrists and pulling them away from his face. "Harry, I just told you how cute I think your blush is, and now you want to cover it? No, no. That simply won't do." He grabbed Harry's hands, intertwining them with his own.

Harry must be dead. He must be dead, or be dreaming, or something.

"Now that's taken care of," Draco said with a smirk. "You like a guy, eh? Ooooo..." he drawled. 

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