chapter 25

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Harry was released from the hospital wing the following day, Draco reassuring McGonagall again and again that he would make sure Harry was okay. McGonagall was reluctant, telling Harry to make sure he thought that he was ready to leave, not just Draco. 

Harry honestly didn't know what to think as he walked toward the exit of the hospital wing with Draco. He was relieved to be out of there, free of the prying eyes always around him, the nurses fussing over him. He was also glad that Draco would finally be sleeping in a bed tonight, as the male had sat by Harry's bedside the entire time he'd been there, never letting him out of his sight, barely even letting go of his hand. 

He was nervous, though. He'd been doing so good, then all it took was one thing to send him over the edge. What if something else happened? What if he couldn't handle it?

Draco, seeming to sense his anxiety, reached over and grabbed Harry's hand as he pushed open the door, opening it into the busy corridor. Harry panicked for a moment, remembering what Hermione had told him when she and Ron had visited the day before. 

"Harry, he confessed his love to you in front of the entire school. They all know," she said, sitting down on the edge of the bed. 

Draco had allowed the three to talk within themselves, promising Harry he'd be back in no longer than 15 minutes, enough for him to shower. He then changed his mind, saying it might take 20. 

Ron seemed like he was still in shock. "I just still can't believe that you two were secretly... ya know. A thing. Malfoy, Harry? Wow."

Harry blushed, a small smile appearing on his face. "I didn't expect it either."

He had been worried about telling Ron, but he had actually taken it a lot better than he'd thought he would. He hadn't cared at all about Harry liking boys, and had even asked him which of their former bunkmates he'd rather sleep with. Harry had picked Dean. 

"Well, Harry, what are you going to do?" Hermione asked. He'd told them about Draco's apology, his promise to keep him safe and love him. 

"I think I believe him. I mean, I want to believe him," Harry said, fiddling with his fingers idly on his lap

Hermione grinned. "Well, that's good, isn't it? Does that mean you guys are a couple now? Are you going to be out to the whole school?"

Harry put up his hands in defense to the assault of questions. "Woah, woah, Hermione. I don't know. We haven't had the couple talk. And well... I guess we'll see when we get there."

Harry hesitated for a moment as Draco opened the door, causing him to look back in worry. Harry's eyes, however, were set past Draco into the sea of people walking by.

Draco closed the door, taking a step back to him, his other hand moving some hair out of Harry's face. 

"What's wrong, love?" he asked softly, concern lining his features. 

Harry shook his head. "Nothing-" he automatically said, wincing at how fake it sounded. 

Draco caught on to the obvious lie, his hand moving to Harry's face, stroking his cheek gently. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have confessed my love in front of the whole school, I didn't think about how you felt."

Harry shook his head again, his eyes widening. "No, no- Please, don't do that. It's not your fault. I'm glad they know, I- I just need a minute before all the stares and whispers."

Draco smiled, nodding. "Alright, you let me know when you're ready. Take as much time as you need."

He then wrapped his arms around Harry, pulling him in close. Harry sighed contently, his head resting in the crook of Draco's neck, allowing him to breathe in his fresh scent. 

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