chapter 20

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"Harry? Harry what are you doing?"

Harry wrapped his hand around Hermione's wrist, tugging her to pull her up and off the couch, leading her to follow him. They walked down the steps and out of the portrait, then down a few corridors before arriving at Harry and Draco's suite. 

Harry had sat for almost an hour by himself in that gazebo, trying to wrap his head around the situation at hand. 

He had a date. Tonight. If he said he wanted one. 

Harry wanted to go, of course, but there was still a large portion of his brain screaming at him that he wasn't enough, that Draco deserved better. So, in a battle with himself, he decided to bring in a third party, which was how he found himself walking straight to his old common room, over to the couch where Hermione sat with Neville and Ron, and pulling her away. 

Harry pushed open the door to the suite, walking inside and peeking into the rooms to make sure Draco had left. Once he knew he was gone, he closed the door behind Hermione before grabbing her again, pulling her to the couch. 

"Harry, this is ridiculous, you can't just grab me and pull me away in the middle of a conversa-"

"Draco asked me on a date," Harry said quickly, cutting Hermione off.

Her jaw dropped open, her eyes widening. 

"And kissed me. Twice, actually-" he said. He knew he must look insane at the moment, but he truly didn't care.

Hermione gasped at this. "Oh. My. God."

Harry bit his lip, worried she would get upset, or angry. 

"I knew it!" she squealed, jumping up from the couch. 

"What?" he exclaimed, standing up as well. 

"Please, Harry anyone that's paying attention could tell you that you fancy each other," she said with an eye roll.

Harry's face burned, his arms crossing in front of him. "Well, I wouldn't say it was that obvious..." he grumbled.

"So, what are you doing? Where are you going? What are you going to wear? Where is Draco, by the way?" Hermione fired questions off one after the other as she started into Harry's room, no doubt to find something for him to wear. 

"I don't even know if I'm going to say yes!"

Hermione whirled around, her eyes scarily wide. "What on Earth do you mean, you don't know if you're going to say yes?? You have to say yes! Oh, come on, Harry, why not?"

Harry groaned. "I don't know, Hermione. I need your help. I just- I don't think I'm good enough for him. I want the best for him, and I just- I don't think that's me. Plus, I don't even know if I'm gay."

She rolled her eyes, taking a few steps towards Harry, her arms crossing in front of her. "Harry. As someone who truly knows you well, I can tell you two things: One, Draco would be lucky to have someone like you. Two: you're gay. You look like you just got fucked the shit out of and like you enjoyed every minute of it."

He blushed heavily, but eventually just nodded, looking down at his feet. "Okay, well- I guess I'm going on a date, then."

Hermione grinned. 


Harry stood in front of the mirror, frowning at his reflection. 

Hermione and him had spent the day picking out Harry's outfit and helping him with his confidence. The confidence he gained, though, just dissipated as soon as Hermione left and he was alone with his thoughts. 

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