chapter 21

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Harry and Draco ended up staying in the gazebo long into the night, their seated positions turning into laying ones, intertwined hands slowly becoming intertwined bodies. Harry had almost fallen asleep at one point, his head on Draco's shoulder, his arm draped over his torso. 

"Alright, Harry, we should probably go in and get some sleep," Draco murmured softly into Harry's ear. He had taken to drawing small shapes on Harry's side with his finger, it catching on the hem of Harry's shirt every once and awhile. 

Harry whined, his leg moving on top of Draco's as he squeezed him slightly. "Don't wanna go..." he mumbled, his eyes fighting to stay open. 

He felt Draco kiss the top of his head, causing a flutter in his stomach and a squirm. 

"We have to go, darling. You're going to get sick being out in the cold too long," Draco said, pressing kisses from the top of his head down the side of his face, ending at his jaw. 

Harry giggled softly. "Aw, you're worried I'll get sick?" he cooed, propping his head up on Draco's chest, sticking his tongue out. 

Draco's eyes darkened slightly, his hand coming up to Harry's jaw, grasping it with his fingers, Harry's face becoming stained with red. "Stick that tongue out again and I'll put it to use," he purred. 

Harry's eyes widened, feeling his pants tighten at the words, his tongue retreating back into his mouth quickly.

Draco smirked, sitting up, Harry moving off of him gently as he did. He stood up, brushing invisible dirt off of his pants before offering a hand to Harry. 

"Come on, love, time for bed."

Harry flushed at the nickname, grabbing Draco's hand and allowing him to pull him up. Draco pulled him up and into him, his other hand wrapping around Harry's waist and tugging the boy closer, their lips connecting softly. 

This kiss was softer, more intimate than before. Harry just enjoyed the moment, allowing his hands to wrap around the back of Draco's neck as they kissed. 

Draco pulled away after a moment, resting his forehead on Harry's. "You're so precious," he mumbled, his eyes piercing Harry's. 

Harry smiled bashfully, biting his lip. "Stop it, no I'm not," he grumbled. 

Draco pulled his head away, raising an eyebrow at Harry. "You want me to stop? Okay, I'll stop," he said with a shrug before stepping away from Harry completely, starting to pick up the picnic basket and blanket, folding it up. 

Harry nearly whined at the loss of contact, crossing his arms over his chest. He stood there awkwardly as Draco packed up, not speaking. 

Once he'd finished packing everything, Draco started walking back towards the castle, motioning with his head for Harry to follow. He did, walking beside Draco, his arms still crossed over his chest. He missed the feeling of the male's skin on his, the feeling of his hand, his chest, his lips. 

He couldn't say or do anything about it, though. Then Draco would win. Harry couldn't have that. 

They walked in silence all the way through the courtyard and into the castle, starting to make their way down the empty corridor. Harry could feel the tension like a taut string pulling between them, begging him to move closer, begging for touch.

They finally reached the suite, Draco opening the door and stepping through. He had barely turned around to hold it open for Harry, though, when Harry pounced on the male, jumping so his arms wrapped around Draco's neck, his legs around his waist, lips against lips. The basket and blanket fell to the ground, Draco's hold on them and the door failing as he instead reached for Harry, his hands falling on his thighs, helping to hold him up. 

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