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"So, their gays, huh?" the female doctor said staring at the picture she took.

She smirked, "I will ruin you, Castle,"

"That's mission impossible,"

The female doctor was startled. She turned around and frown. She recognized the doctor.

"Mind your own business, Dr. Hale," she said.

Dr. Hale chuckled, "I could say the same, Dr. Trace,"

Trace smirked, "He insulted me,"

"You brought that to yourself, don't blame others for your actions," Dr. Hale rebuked.

"Don't put your nose on my business. Whatever I'll do is not your business," she said.

"I don't know why you passed as a doctor with that kind of brain. But anyway, it will be fun watching how you will go down the drain with your stupidity," Dr. Hale shrugged putting his hands in his pockets.

"Oh, don't worry, Dr. Hale, I will surely win this," She said confidently.

"Well, suit yourself. But don't say that you didn't get a warning. I will gladly say, I told you so when the day comes that you are very too deep in the mud to recover," Dr. Hale mocked.

Dr. Trace glared at him, "I'm not afraid of him just because he's a Castle,"

Dr. Hale shrugged, "As I said, suit yourself," he looked at her with taunting eyes and left whistling.

Dr. Trace knows that what Dr. Hale is saying is true but her pride will not give up without a fight.


A week passed and so far, everything is quiet. Dr. Hale is always messing with Kana with his endless teasing whenever they meet.

"Will you stop smiling like a lunatic Hailstorm," Kana said. They are currently eating at the cafeteria.

Dr. Hale just grinned at him. Kana had enough and put down his utensils.

Crossing his arms, "Just spill whatever you're wanted to say,"

"I agree. You look creepy smiling like that," Dr. Jae said.

"Nah~ I was just wondering when the fight will begin," Dr. Hale answered confusing them.

"What do you-

Before Kana finished his sentence, a bunch of reporters rush to their table.

"What the heck is going on?" he mumbled.

"Dr. Castle! Is it true that you are in a relationship with Dr. Marcus McQuin?" one reporter asked then the rest bombarded him with relative questions like since when and how they became one.

Kana on the other hand is just keeping his poker face though he was shocked at how their relationship has gone public.

He sighed and raised his hand which made the reporters stop and wait for what he was going to say.

"You all barged into this place just for this?" he asked smirking. The reporters keep quiet.

He scoffed, "This is a hospital. I'm a doctor, not a celebrity. Obviously not in the entertainment industry, so, if you wanted to consult me, be a patient first," he said before walking past them.

"Dr. Castle, wait!"

Kana turned around, "Why? Are you a patient already? A neuro patient to be precise," he asked.

Dr. Hale and Dr. Jae are holding their laugh.

"Why is it hard to answer the question?" one of the reporters sassed.

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