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The misfortune of Trace goes on. She keeps making mistakes. What's more, is that Michaels is hot in her tail. Kana also started sending "gifts" to the director.

The last straw happened two days ago. Trace got suspended. She's now in her apartment drinking her butt with a raging hate toward Kana who is leisurely having the time of his life.

Before she got suspended, a very big wave attacked not only her but Stan Michaels as well. A couple of pictures were sent to her and Michaels.

It was all Nico's photos when they left him in the abandoned warehouse for their people to take care of. At that time, Nico's parents didn't see the body of their son. All they saw was a body bag. They said it needed to be immediately cremated to prevent the spread of possible disease.

The same thing happened to Jenson. His father couldn't take to look at his dead son and let the hospital staff take care of everything. But he threatened them to keep quiet.

Now, with these pictures, Michaels was scared that what he did would come to light. That's the reason why he decided to cut Trace to save himself.


It was a normal quiet day. Kana is on duty. He and Marcus have a date after their shifts. The ER is not busy and it's good because it means no one is hurt badly.

The ER staff were disturbed when Trace barged in screaming and cursing Kana.

"What the heck is this crazy bitch doing here?" Kelly mumbled and turned to one of the nurses to go find Dr. Castle.

"Why are you here?" Ms. Carter asked calmly.

Trace who was drunk turns to her, "Where is your beloved bitch doctor?" she slurred.

"We have no idea who you're talking about," Kelly answered her.

She scoffed, "Stop bullshiting me! Where is Castle?!" she screamed.

"Ahh, you're looking for our renowned skilled and in-demand doctor. Why didn't you say so?" Kelly mocked her.

"I hate your stupid mouth," Trace gritted her teeth.

"What are you doing here?" Kana arrived.

"Oh~ here comes the good doctor," Trace said full of hate.

Kana is just standing in a safe distance with his arm crossed.

Trace clenched her fists, "You! Because of you I was cut off," she said.

Kana scoffed, "Blame it on your unprofessionalism and poor skills,"

"You fucking arrogant hoe!" Trace marched forward to hurt him.

Kana didn't move because his securities already held Trace.

"Why are you doing this, huh? I know I messed up with you but how the fucking did you get those pictures?" Trace slurred. Her consciousness is slipping in and out.

Kana signaled his men to let her go. She was so out of her state of mind. Kana walked to her and asked what she was talking about. Trace mumbled a dead picture before passing out.

"Put her on the bed and check her," Kana told Jae who nodded.

"Those who took videos, delete it. We have CCTVs if we need evidence," Kana said.

"Yes, Doc," all the staff said.

He thanked them and asked them to go back to their stations.


"Knock knock," Jae said while knocking on Kana's office.

Kana sits properly, "How is it?"

Jae handed him the report, "See for yourself,"

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