New life

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We had got off the boat hours ago, and were now deep into canada. Tom said the houses were in a small city, he said the houses were isolated from the rest of the town, trees surrounding them and hundreds of yards away from the closest house, but still in the town though.

I dozed off once again, waking up to a sudden stop, i opened my eyes to realize we were stopped outside a mcdonalds, only then i realized the pain in my stomach from hunger, we all walked in the store, the sudden warm air hit me as i got inside the restaurant, i checked my watch and it was 9pm, the mcdonalds was surprisingly busy for it being that late, i was still in a daze from sleepiness i walked up to the counter along with the 4 boys, they all ordered what they wanted and so did i, i got a cheeseburger with no pickles, a small fries and a chocolate shake, Tom payed for all of it, i felt guilty for making him pay for all my food. We sat down at a small table, I wasn't used to the free nature of this place, I could get up and do whatever I wanted with no consequence, Tom hadn't snapped at all, and i didnt want to point it out unless it triggered something. "Are you ok Taylor?" I heard a voice beside me, it was Gustav "oh, yeah, i was just daydreaming" i said with a small smile. The table was filled with small talk, I could barely focus on a single sentence, I was so tired. The food was shortly brought to our table, the smell of the food made my mouth water and all of a sudden i wasn't so sleepy anymore, i devoured my food before anyone else. "So, how are you?" I heard Bill say, "oh, good, yeah, really good, and glad, glad I'm out of that shit hole" I said resting my head on Tom's shoulder. I felt the warmth of his body, I felt his breathing as his shoulder moved up and down. I loved him. "So Tom, what, i thought you were dead?" i said looking up at him, "no, no" Tom explained the whole day "oh, i missed you, i missed you so much Tom. and you, Gustav, and you" i said looking at Bill, "and you as well georg, i missed all of you so much" i said leaning back in my seat. The rest of the boys finished their food, and we headed out to the car.

"All right, time to go home then, time to start a new life!" Tom said enthusiastically, I felt the car start again, I fell straight asleep as we started moving.

I woke up once again to the halt of the car and Tom poking my arm. "Hey, Taylor, we're here" he whispered into my ear. I woke up and looked out the window taking in my surroundings, we were parked outside a gorgeous house, there were rose bushes around it and tall dark trees in the distance "is this the house?" i asked Tom quietly, the rest of the boys had already gone inside, running like children to try beat one another to the better room to claim. "Yeah, do you like it?" He asked, still whispering, it's like he didn't want to shatter me by talking too loud. "Yeah, it's beautiful," I said, staring at Tom. I could feel the tension between us, "do you love me?" Those words made my heart skip a beat. I didn't want to say I did in case it was a trick question, but I also wanted to spill everything on him, "do you love me?" I retaliated back at him, raising my eyebrow. I didn't know what he was going to say, but I desperately wanted to know. I heard a very familiar song start to play on the radio, 'fade into you by mazzy star' "yeah, i think i do" he said looking at me, "i feel so strongly towards you, and i haven't felt it for anyone before" he said these words and they made me go crazy, "i love you too Tom" i said, staring into his eyes. I could feel his warm gaze straight into mine, his face got closer to mine and our lips met, it was not like any other time we kissed, this one was so warm and heartfelt. My Tom, he changed, he finally fucking changed, my heart fluttered at our lips dancing together. His hand held the back of my head, our lips separated, "i really love you Taylor" he said, his lips grazed mine as he spoke, "i really love you to, Tom" i said back, pushing our lips together again, i felt toms hand graze my cheek as he stared at me and it made me go crazy.

"We should probably go inside and see what monstrosity the boys have already made." Tom said, chuckling. "Yeah, let's go" I said laughing back, I grabbed his hand, and we made our way inside. To our surprise there was no mess, only a dim light coming from the kitchen, we both walked in and i felt Toms warm gaze on me, they had planned something, i already knew, but what. We walked into the kitchen and i felt toms arms wrap around my waist embracing me in a warm hug as the rest of the guys came over and also hugged me. "Welcome home, Taylor" Georg said, i looked around the kitchen to see what that dim light was and then on the counter was a cake with 5 candles on it.

"Look, each candle is one of us!" Bill said excitedly, i saw how proud he was of his creation, I looked around to see the happy faces of all 4 boys, Tom especially. "Do you want to cut the cake?" Bill asked, i nodded in agreement and grabbed the knife he was holding, and cut 5 sliced out of the cake, handing one to each guy, and one to myself, it was delicious, it was a red velvet cake iced very amazingly by Gustav, in fact the icing was so well done you'd think a child had done it.

We all finished eating and celebrating the fact that we were all free of all responsibility, no more winning races, no more killing because of one little set off, it was just us. And man it was amazing.

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