the news

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I woke up to the sound of birds chirping, I layed there in my bed for a few minutes, just listening to all the songs the birds sang. I got up and did my daily routine, showered, got dressed, did my makeup, had a coffee and went to say good morning to Tom. I knocked on his door. "come in" I heard him yell from the other side of the door. I opened his door and walked in. he was still in bed, I think I woke him up. I sat on his bed. "how are you?" I asked fiddling with his hair. "good, it's nice waking up to you." he said smiling at me. "you?" he asked back. "im good as well" I moved closer to him and layed down with him hugging him. "you're so, so beautiful" he said staring into my eyes. I leaned in and kissed him. "you're beautiful too" I said back. "I could stare into your eyes till the grim reapers grasp finally holds me and pulls me to death" I said looking at him. he didn't say anything, he just kissed me. I felt whole when he was with me.

"I'm gonna go make breakfast." he said breaking the kiss. "oh ok, me to" I said smiling at him as we both walked out of his room towards the kitchen. I got the toaster out and made toast where as he made cereal. i put some honey on the jam and went into the living room Turing the TV on. luckily F.R.I.E.N.D.S was on. I sat there and happily watched it with Tom. over the next hour the 3 other boys also came sleepily wandering into the kitchen to either make themselves a coffee or breakfast, then everyone was sitting in the living room. "anyone got any plans for today?" I asked breaking the silence after the show ended. they all shook their heads. "well then. maybe we play some board games" I said turning off the TV and heading towards the cupboard with all the board games in them. I pulled out monopoly and put it on the table. setting it up, by the time I had set it up all the boys had finished their breakfast and we're huddled around the table.

hours, and hours went by and Gustav had the most money, it was very clear who was going to win, another hour and I was out because I had lost all of my money, I was now like a referee to any arguments that would happen. another hour and Gustav had not surprisingly won. "HAAHAHAAAAA, FUCK YOU ALLL. I WINNNN" he screamed jumping up and throwing all him money around. "ugh I'm going for a drive." Bill said getting up and pulling the finger at Gustav. he grabbed his keys and shut the door behind him and left.

I went to my room and sat on my bed. I am never playing monopoly with them again, h o l y s h i t. I was surprised at how long they could keep one game going, I flipped through my collection of CD's and pulled out a David Bowie one, I put it in my stereo and started drawing. I spent maybe 2 hours drawing when I went into the living room and sat on the sofa again. staring at the mess we are still yet to clean up. I turned on the TV and flipped through the channels, there was nothing interesting that caught my eye so I decided to watch the news to see what's been happening. then my heart dropped and I felt myself go numb.

"... they have Identified the person as Bill kaulitz."

I watched the screen as they showed the scene of a car crash.

" 3:55PM police got a call to a head on collision between 2 cars on the freeway..."

I couldn't focus on what they were saying anymore and panicked. "TOM, GUSTAV, GEORG, COME HERE" I said, it was hard for me to yell, I could feel my eyes start to well up. the 3 boys ran into the room and saw the TV. "what happened.." I heard Georg say as he stood in the doorway. "it's Bill." I said through tears. they focused on the TV once again and put the peices together.

I could almost feel the sadness from the 3 of them and they realized what had happened. "do you know if he's, alive?" I heard Gustav say. "they said he was breathing, but he was found in bad condition."

"I'm going to the hospital" I heard Tom say, the 4 of us quickly rushed out of the door and hopped into his car.


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