old self

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*Toms Pov*

i heard a knock at my door. "come in" i said, Taylor came walking in, she looked more wary then usual. I watched as her legs drew her into my room, each step seemed to be heavier than the other. why does she want to see me? 

"Tom"  her voice made its way in to my ears. I answer in the only thing I can seem to say.

"what do you want?" 

it sounded harsh, not having used a tone like that in ages. I watched as her face went from a solemn look to confusion. 

"I want to talk to you" she then said, walking over to my bed, shaking off the sudden tone I had just given her. I just give her a look as to say, 'go on then' but she doesn't speak, maybe she didn't get it, all of a sudden filled with anger I try hold as much of it back, but I just can't, I don't even know why I'm angry, why the fuck am I angry.

"hurry up then I've got things I need to do." my words cutting through her as though they were the edge of a knife. she came to a halt as my words bashed into her ears. I watched as she stuttered, stumbling over her own words, nearly falling over as she shuffled her feet, I didn't want to make her nervous or scared, I didn't mean to do it either, I cant stop it, its like a itch that cant be scratched. 

"why the fuck have you been ignoring me lately?" she stared into me, he eyes burning into mine, her sudden burst causing me to suddenly stand up, I saw as her body halted, almost jumping as I made such a sudden movement. I didn't answer her, its common sense why I've been around her less.

"answer me" she said, her tone lowering, and her body relaxed, her gaze soffened. still yet, I said nothing, why didn't I say anything? I don't know. but right as I was going to say, her voice struck me. Anger filled with each syllable.

"Tom, why have you been ignoring me!" she now just looked at me, anger and confusing running over her face. 

"my brother nearly fucking died, are you stupid!" I felt my face go red, my temper rising, its like she just ignored the fact that Bill was in the hospital for days on the brink of death for some of them. 

"yeah, but that doesn't mean you can just forget about me" she yelled at me, why the fuck is she so attached to me now? why did she care, so much, it was so unlike Taylor, the whole time, its been unlike her, I've treated her so well the whole time, but as soon as I don't be all touchy for 1 day its the end of the world now. 

"do you not fucking get it Taylor?" my voice at a volume it could probably be heard from the other side of the room. "are you stupid? he nearly died and the only thing you can worry about is yourself!" I felt my body move towards her, each step, each word my anger grew. 

"But why does that mean you can act like I don't exist. Her words tangling into my brain even more. 

"shut up!" I almost screamed the words as my hand made contact with her face. a red mark stayed on her face, I watched as her expression went from angry to distant, maybe she finally got it. 

"once you realize how much he means to me, you'll understand why I'm so distant right now." she walked out of my room, slamming the door behind her, everything was making me angry right now. how could she just ignore what happened to Bill? its like she doesn't even care.

*taylors pov* 

I felt a sting as he hit my face, the anger in his eyes, reminded me of everything. a sudden hit of realization hit me. why am I with these guys? I left the room, thoughts racing through my mind at speeds not even myself could comprehend. but I thought he was better? maybe he didn't mean it. maybe he's just been holding it in these 3 months. maybe he is just grieving over nearly losing Bill, but bills fine now, so why does it matter so much.

I walked into my room, my body sinking into my bed and my hand holding the cheek he had slapped, it still stung, then I suddenly remember everything he's done, why am I here with them? I know what they can do, but yet I still stay, why? I cant leave, they're getting better, they have to be. so many different reasonings and feelings, but still I lay, thinking about why he had done it. did he still love me? 

I heard footsteps heading down the hall, opening toms door then closing it behind them, I heard talking, then yelling, I could hear that they were arguing but I couldn't hear what it was that they were saying. I sit listening to the angry voices being thrown back and forth at each other as they argued, then it suddenly went silent.

sorry this chapter was low-key bad, but I'm tired so yeah, hope you enjoyed pooks

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