6. The Literal Red Carpet.

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Shayne is like 99.9% sure he's going to throw up when his sister yanks his phone out of his hand, his brain not thinking quickly enough to do anything about it.

"What interview?" Lily asks, starting her search when it's very clear that Shayne has either been turned to stone by Medusa or has a full-blown breakdown.

His eyes watch helplessly as Lily finds the interview he just watched and presses play, Tasha and Oliver's voices once again filling his head. She seems to be going through the same roller coaster he has if her facial expressions mean anything.

"Holy sheet cake," she says.

All he's doing is replaying the interview  in his head, searching for hidden meanings and trying to make sense of what he's feeling.

Lily interrupts his thoughts, after what feels like an eternity. "So, what do you think?"

Shayne looks up at his sister, a mix of wonder and confusion in his eyes. "I... I don't know, Lily. It's like he's speaking to me, but I can't tell if it's just part of his PR game or-"

Lily leans back in the booth, studying Shayne intently. "Well, well, looks like my little brother is having a full-on gay crisis."

Shayne ignores her, grabbing his phone back instead and heading back to the message he's left on read for at least several minutes now. He sits on it for a moment, trying to think up a response, knowing that there's no putting any genie back into the bottle if he starts making assumptions.

7:30 A.M.


Have you seen the interview?

7:37 A.M.


Yeah, I saw it. Surprised to see you opening up like that. Is it all just for the show?

Shayne stares at his screen, waiting as Lily is shoving him into Old Humphrey so he won't be late. Part of him didn't want to send it, knows he should just drop it and keep going on with the show. He's a writer, he needs this to not blow up more than Oliver does, but he can't help but walk onto the train tracks. The minutes feel like an eternity until Oliver's response finally appears on his screen.

7:42 A.M.


It's not all for the show, Shayne. The interview gave me a chance to share a part of myself that I've kept hidden. I thought you'd be proud of me.

A mix of relief and hope floods through Shayne. Oliver's words echo the vulnerability he witnessed in the interview, but the doubt still lingers in his mind. He knows he can't take this further, knows it isn't his place to pry, but that he at least needs to make nice. He at least needs to let Oliver know that he's seen and heard. As far as the weird feelings he's getting about the lead of a dating show surrounded by smoking-hot women, those are best left to himself.

7:44 A.M.


I am proud of you, Oliver. It takes a lot of courage to open up like that, especially in front of millions of viewers. I guess I'm just trying to make sense of everything. This show can be so... overwhelming.

Shayne hesitates for a moment, unsure if he's being too vulnerable, or too open.

7:46 A.M.


I understand, Shayne. It's not an easy situation to navigate. I'll see you on the red carpet for the shoot in a bit. I'll be the kangaroo in a tux. Looking forward to seeing you mate, Pen's giving me the blues. :(

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