Too Many Questions, Not Enough Answers

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~3rd Person~

A man sat atop a throne, staring intently into the whirlpool of shadows before him. It was not uncommon for these shadows to appear, but with them came a great since of urgency. They were not something to be ignored.

The shadows held an image of a teenage boy, around the age of 18. Between his  messy coal-black hair, and dazzling sea-green eyes, he was unmistakably Perseus Jackson.

To why these shadows suddenly appeared would be unknown to anyone but the person before them, in which case that person was the man on the throne. He needed no hint to tell you exactly the reasons for this.

The man sighed, pulling his slender fingers through his similarly coal-black hair. "So it's time already father?" He mumbled to himself, looking up as though expecting to see his father's face staring back down at him. It was an odd habit, considering that his father was not above him in an distance, but rather below him. Far, Far below, in which only the demons of this bitter galaxy could dwell.

The man had been dreading this day from the very moment Perseus Jackson was brought into existence. It wasn't that he didn't like the boy, not that at all, but rather that with the new knowledge he is to gain, will also come the darkness that is destine to appear at this same time. Destine to meet the young boy, whether on a battle field, or in this very palace, it is still destine.

The man stood up, walking straight through the shadows, as they dissipated. He wore a long black cloak, which just barely touched the smooth floor below. His eyes were an unnatural shade of black, with tiny speaks of light lingering at the surface. The colors moved, as if they were alive, and in many ways, they were. It was the mirror image of the galaxy around them, and many more. Whether they were galaxies finally meeting their end, or new ones being born, he could see it all.

Though the most magnificent aspect of the man had to be his two obsidian- black wings, curving in a protective manner around their owner, as though to protect the one thing that brought them into existence.

The man brought his hands up, slamming open the double doors to the Palace entrance. To anyone else, it would have appeared as though he was mad, but to anyone that had actually tried to open the doors, they would have found just how heavy the doors really were. They were made out of Chaos-silver after all.

The man huffed, spreading his wings in preparation to flit. He had to make the return of the prince perfect, otherwise he was doomed to a confrontation with the gods of Olympus... not that they would stand much of a chance against him.


I stood before Chiron, staring intently into the centaur's chocolaty-brown eyes. I sat in silence, letting the said centaur absorb what had just been said. It wasn't often that demigods asked to leave for purposes other than a quest.

After a long pause, Chiron let out a sigh, his knowledgeable eyes lingering on the polished wood ceiling, as if searching for something. "So the time has come... " He mumbled before his eyes drifted to a halt on me.

To anyone else, it would have seemed to be a look of pity. Though to me, someone who has seen nothing but such since the moment I stepped foot back on camp half-blood, it was obvious that it was nothing of the sort. Chiron's gaze seemed hollow in a way, as though he stared at the grave of a old friend, but felt no remorse for them what-so-ever. As if all emotion had been sucked out of his demeanor, and left him as a hollow shell of the man he used to be.

It was absolutely bone chilling.

Yet it somehow didn't faze me. After all I've been through, I can't say nothing scares me, but rather almost nothing affects what little emotions I may have left. This was one of those cases, in which I just gave him the same cold stare back.

Chiron sighed once more, this time turning to gaze out the window as he spoke. "You may do as you wish Percy, but I must warn you my child. The world is a dangerous place, "

Chiron turned his wheelchair back around to face me, his expression grave as he spoke. "Promise me you won't get yourself killed."

I small chuckle escaped my lips as I heard the last statement. As a demigod, such could not be promised unless you were considered inhuman or god. The very fact that Chiron would even suggest such a thing is one of the greatest compliments man or demigod could ever receive. Unfortunately for Chiron, I thought almost little to nothing of it.

A grin stretched wide on my face as I answered in a low tone, "There are many things you could have said, there are many things I could have accepted... " I stood suddenly, stalking towards the door, before pausing at its entrance. "But of those many things, that is not something I can promise you."

As I made a motion to leave, Chiron stopped me. "Wait Percy!" He called after me, wheeling himself closer to the doorway. I turned my head in response, all ears for what he had to respond with.

Chiron paused for a moment, shadows obscuring his face as he seemingly remembered something dark. "The are many things in this world that are left better unknown." He spoke with utter seriousness, his voice fading with each word that seeped from his mouth. He spoke as any wise man would, with knowledge of what is to come, and something else...

I grimaced, thinking of the many things that I would have liked that factor to have applied to. Why now? Why was such a thing important after everything was already lost?

As if reading my mind, Chiron put on a similar face, his upper lip curling slightly in the process. "You will understand when the time comes."

Having heard enough, I sprinted toward cabin 3. It was too much. Too similar to what I had heard before leaving for the second great prophecy.  It left me without a mind to think, and without the solitary of my mind, I felt as though everything was exposed. If that were so, than if someone hadn't taken me for a complete lunatic before, they would now, maybe even join the party having seen some of the things I have. What I had seen was not for the weak at heart or mind, it could not be allowed to be made public.

I heard many chuckles, some remarks about how I was running away from my problems again. Though at that point, I honestly didn't care. The only thing running through my mind at that point was getting to safety, getting to the isolation of cabin 3.

I breathed a sigh of relief as cabin 3 neared, it was almost over.

When my hand finally did reach the dull golden handle, I flung open the door, slamming it shut behind me, as if to stop any pressures from following.

I slid down the sky-blue door, heaving a sigh with every breath. It wasn't the running that had left me so exhausted, but rather the disorienting thoughts Chiron had planted in my brain.

Images of Piper, with Carmel hair and Kaleidoscope eyes, and Jason with matted blonde hair, and sky-blue eyes flashed through my mind. They were followed by images of Hazel with chocolaty-brown hair, and deep hazel eyes, that gazed into the bark-brown eyes of her lover, Frank. Leo with curly cinnamon-brown hair, and humorous brown eyes that matched also materialized. But of all the thoughts that disoriented him the most, the thought of Annabeth had to do the most damage.

Annabeth. Just the name made me feel lightheaded. Images of the blonde princess curls that cascaded down her perfectly straight back came to mind, along with the evenly tanned peachy skin that it complimented nicely.

And her eyes. Oh there eyes. They were like a drug in themselves. I could spend hours simply staring at them and never tire of it. The way the light caught the lead-gray irises, highlighting them like the first rays of sunshine after a storm. It was easy to get lost in them, and I often caught myself doing so, soon reminding myself that every last bit of them belonged to me, or rather us.

Well, that was, until the second great prophecy. Everything changed after that.

I ran through the words Chiron had spoken to me before I fled. There are many things in this world that are better left unknown. What had he meant? What was hidden behind the curtains of the Olympians' secrets? Or perhaps, more importantly

What was Chiron hiding?

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