An Unexpected Visitor

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I shifted slightly under her gaze, suddenly feeling the eyes of all the Olympians boring into my very soul. And yet, I stared the goddess down in an equally flat expression. "Whom you say do I speak of?" A smiled a bit as I predicted the reaction of most, if not all the Olympians. "Why, I speak of none other than the creator of this very universe! I speak of Chaos."

The Olympians recoiled with fear, as many eyes went wide with shock.

"Chaos?!"Poseidon exclaimed, his knuckles white as he gripped the arms of his throne as though it were his life-line. "This cannot be!"

"I assure you great Poseidon," I inserted, looking straight into the eyes of the sea god himself. "I speak the truth."

~3rd Person~

Athena stood suddenly, her hands balled into fists as she stared down the centaur. "And what exactly would Chaos want with the pawn of Poseidon?!" She burst forth, her face becoming flushed with furry.

The Olympians looked taken aback by the Wisdom goddess's response. Never had Athena showed any care of the other children of the gods unless to spit on their names. Now though, the very same goddess stood before them, furious at the actions taken toward a son of Poseidon, whom she has already shown distaste toward.

Poseidon was the first to recover his wits, clearing is throat and dully nodding his head. "I must agree with Athena, there should be no reason for this outrage! I don't give a damn who took my son, all I wish is for his return." He agreed, eyeing the still fuming Athena.

Chiron's hooves sounded on the marble floors of the home of the gods as he began a slow pace. "I understand your concern... " He trailed off, his eyes becoming distant and sad for the first time since he had arrived. "But answer me this Poseidon."

Chiron turned to face said Sea God as he crossed his arms in sorrow. "Have you ever, in your time of fathering Percy, ever taken into consideration his feelings?"

Poseidon's face sank as the question hit him like a slap to the face. Had he ever really considered Percy? Sure, he had done what he thought was best for his son, but never had Poseidon actually asked his son what he felt.

Ares snorted, likewise crossing his arms. "Are you suggesting that Percy would rather be with Chaos than his friends?" Much like Athena's actions, Ares spoke true to the anger he felt toward the whole ordeal. So much so, in fact, that he hadn't even noticed that for the first time since meeting Percy, he had actually referred to him by his real name, and not by "Punk".

Chiron shot a glare towards the god of war, letting his own rage known. "Friends? Is that how you see the relation between the children at Camp Half-Blood?" His hands clenched onto his arms, his knuckles turning white with rage. "Friends would not go out of their way to exclude Percy from every activity their camp held! Friends would not whisper lies and rumors behind Percy's back just to watch said person's face drop as the rumors spread and became common knowledge!"

Chiron slammed his hoof on the ground, the echo ringing in the ears of people all around Olympus. "Friends would not drive Percy to near suicide just because they find pleasure in the pain he must suffer through everyday!"

Chiron ragged breathing could be heard through out room as every Olympian was left speechless. Never had they once thought to check on the son of Poseidon, so they had little to no way of knowing such atrocities when on in their sacred camp.

Zeus's head dipped in shame as he considered the many times he had spoken out and against Percy. They many times he had threatened the young boy with death, and all for what? For his own outrage at his brothers crimes against his oath? An oath that he himself broke without consequence.

Percy Jackson, Son of ChaosHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin