The Boss's Orders

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~3rd person~

It was in the dead of night that the brilliant rays cast by the crescent moon were disturbed. Two shady figures stood at the bottom of the hill leading into camp half-blood, gazing upon the strawberry fields that the ancient magic surrounding the camp cast. The tallest of the two turned to the other, eyes narrow with suspicion.

"And your sure this is the place?" The man rasped, second-guessing the coordinates they were given. His voice was caked with an accent, yet of which language was unknown. It was thick with power, giving the speaker an era that was ancient and unearthly.

The second figure stood tall, speaking up at the man with obvious annoyance. "You question me? Of course these are the coordinates!" He spoke in a low hiss, superiority ringing deep within his words despite his obvious lower rank.

The first man sighed, dismissing the rude tone, and gazing once more upon the hill. "So, this is were the prince stays? Not too fit for royalty, is it?" He spook to himself, though he earned a grunt of agreement from his partner.

The two nodded at each other, slipping soundlessly through the shadows until they reached the barrier separating them from camp half-blood.

The short man stalked toward the barrier, annoyance still apparent in his movements. He stopped before the invisible wall, examining its substance. "Its ancient magic, meant to keep out monsters... shouldn't be hard to get through." The man observed, touching its surface and watching it ripple like water.

The tallest man stepped forth, holding a hand out in front of him. "We don't have time for this none sense. Step aside."

The other man turned toward him, disgust lining his voice as he spat, "Yes... commander." and stepped away from the barrier.

The commander closed his eyes, concentrating on the barrier in front of him. He began to imagine the barrier forming a hole, big enough for them both to slip through. Then, with one last thought, sent the image into reality.

Lowering his arm and opening his eyes, the two men watched as the barrier began to ripple, just as it did when the smaller figure had touched it. It twisted in resistance, but ultimately gave in, as the wall split in two, forming a hole the size as the commander had wished it to be.

With the obstacle concurred, the two men easy slipped through the camp unnoticed, but stayed within the cover of the shadows anyway.

When the sky-blue cabin came into view, the two men slowed their advance, recalling the warnings of there sender. He is not to be taken lightly. The boy has great power, even without his true potential unleashed.

They crept through the brush, heading around the cabin to the front door. The commander motion for his partner to stop, then turned to the door. If he's anything like the boss, then...

Sure enough, as the commander tried the door, it slide soundlessly open on oiled hinges. The man smiled, humor lining his thoughts. It was quite common for their master to leave his room unlock, forgetting the importance of locking it every night. Like father, like son I guess.

The two crept through the small room, taking note of the sleeping figure twisted in white sheets. The boy was peaceful, without a dream running through his mind, there was nothing to disturb this night other than his intruders.

The smaller man snorted, gazing upon the sleeping figure with ignorance. "So this is the mighty Perseus Jackson? Just looks like a dumb teenager to me." He snorted, crossing his arms in the process.

By this point the other man was fed up with his complaints. "You watch your tongue or the next word out of your mouth will be your last. That I promise you." He retorted, shaking with fury at his disrespect towards the heir to the throne.

The dwarfish man stiffened, going silent with obvious fear of his partner's threats. He knew all to well never to take them lightly. After all, it was that very thing that got the commander's last partner killed.

Focusing on the task at hand, the two men got over their fussing, and nodding toward each other, signaling the real start of their mission.

With obvious practice, the two crept into their proper positions, before the commander held up three fingers and began his count down.




With inhuman speed, the two men lashed out, the commander grabbed Percy's two arms with one of his own, and bringing his other around to cup a cloth over the oblivious boys mouth. His partner on the other hand, gripped tightly onto Percy's feet, securing them with ease.

That's when the young boy woke...


I woke with a start, my arms burning as they were wrapped behind my back by a strong arm. Not fully understanding what was happening, I tried to speak, but to no prevail, as my mouth and nose were deprived of the oxygen needed for the task.

As my eyes adjusted, I began to comprehend what was happening, and as I did, came a wave of fear. I'm being kidnapped! But by whom? Are they one Gaia's followers seeking revenge?

I thrashed in the man's grip, attempting to free myself, when I noticed the second man holding tight to my legs. There are two of them?!

In a desperate attempt, I began to scream, hoping by some ill chance that someone would hear me, but all that was accomplished was a raw throat and a couple of low hisses.

I began to feel light-headed, as my vision turned dark around the edges. As so happened, I began to take note of the appearance of my kidnappers.

The man that held my legs with stubby fingers was washed in shadows, his eyes a deep color of black. His face, covered with a hood, shown with annoyance. I lashed out with my leg, feeling satisfactory when my foot made contact with his stomach. If he hadn't much liked me before, he definitely didn't now.

The second man was much broader, his muscles flexing with the strain of holding me down. His jaw was clenched as he watched me, showing obvious repulse to his actions against me. Both wore long cloaks that just barely swept the floor, and clipped with a silver pin at the neck.

There were complete opposites, and yet, worked with such accuracy it was horrifying. Who are these people?

As the thought ran through my head, my strength plummeted to the point were I couldn't move anymore. Just the strain of holding my eyelids open was agonizing.

I accepted darkness just as the men loosened their grips, and the tallest man slung me over his shoulder. The last thing I saw before I lost consciousness were the aqua walls of cabin three reseeding into the open fields of camp half-blood.

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