A Walk Down Memory Lane

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~3rd person~

Why does it hurt so badly?

Percy stumbled forward, the raven haired teen clutching his head in an attempt to stop it's throbbing. His stomach churned, it's few contents disturbed greatly by the dark, twisted shadows in which he had previously traveled upon. He couldn't remember how he had done it, only the overwhelming rage and frustration before hand.

Stumbling once more, Percy realized for the first time how terribly his muscles ached. His legs barely held his weight, shaking with each wobbly step he took. The uneven ground in which he walked upon seemed to be an obstacle course, and he desperately dragged his feet around the lumps and holes. Where was he anyways?

Ignoring the rhythmic pounding in his skull, Percy lifted his head, his starry gaze searching for some sort of indicator as to his location. Instead, he was met with a rather odd sight.

Florescent yellow eyes stared back, a pair of overly large nostrils puffing smoke into his face. It took a moment for everything to register, but when it did Percy's heart leapt into his throat. "P-Peleus?"

Said copper dragon flinched back, a sense of confusion crossing his intelligent eyes - and after a moment Percy realized why. "You don't recognize me, do you? It's Percy! I guess I'm a new person without those sea-green eyes, huh?" 

Peleus' eyes widened as he took a moment to check him over, even sniffing his hair. After a few moments of wariness however, the rather large guardian of the Fleece licked him, leaving a nasty trail of dragon saliva in his wake. 

Percy hopped away, his exhaustion almost buckling his knees as he chuckled slightly, desperately wiping the slime from his face and armor. "Come on Peleus! I know it's been a while, but was that really necessary?"

Peleus reared his head back, seeming to admire his handy work as he began to re-coiled himself around Thalia's tree. The already rather large dragon had grown even bigger since the last time he'd saw him. It couldn't have been more than a month since...

Percy's mood immediately dropped as he recalled where he stood. Camp Half Blood, he thought, I used to dread the thought of coming back to this terrible place...

For the first time he took in his surroundings, autumn leaves fell, painting the ground with a brilliant display of reds, oranges, and yellows. A constant cool breeze swept through the air, weaving around the tree trunks in an attempt to chill him. 

"Fall..." Percy breathed out, tilting his head to gaze at the sky. It was cloudy, a small scent of water lingering around him, bringing with it a promise of rain. "Since when has it ever rained at Camp Half Blood? Chiron always preferred the sun..."

Mention of the old centaur just brought Percy's mood lower as he stepped toward the edge of the tree line. He could turn around right now, no one's pushing him back here. There's no yellow brick road with a good witch... and yet, there had to be a reason he came here. It couldn't be chance, it never was...

A sense of longing consumed him, his heart aching as he recalled what used to be his one true home. Where had it all gone wrong? Why did the Fate's kick him from the only place he felt at peace? What had he ever done to deserve this? Feeling foreign in a place he knew like the back of his hand. He was an outsider now, Peleus had known it, he could see it. That's why he didn't recognize his old friend.

Percy sighed as his thoughts swirled, not helping his still aching head. If fate had brought him here today, then he would at least take the time to understand why.

Concentrating, Percy closed his eyes, recalled a tiny bit of training he had in regards to the formation of objects using shadows. Focus intensely on the object you wish to form, Chaos's voice echoed in his head, when you think you're ready, snap your fingers.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2018 ⏰

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