Genuine Laughter

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I walked toward the door, quickly tossing the gray sheet at my now vacant bed. I paused, my hand just above the handle of the door. True, Percy had said that this mask thingy had already been test on four other people, but I still had my doubts.

I took a deep breath, considerably challenging with the mask, and prayed to every god and goddess I knew. Here goes nothing...


I resisted the urge to collapse as I allowed the door to the infirmary to shut behind me. True, I had been training in that gods forsaken room of torture "Death to all who enter" for hours everyday, however it was not physical exhaustion that almost drove me to my knees. Luke, although having been the cause of a war, was still considered a friend to me. Long lost until this moment, seeing the man who taught you just about everything you know about Greek sword fighting really does take a toll on your mental stability.

Despite the shaking in my knees, I still found the courage to stand tall. I had to. If only for the sole reason of four other good friends and comrades standing in the throne room.

I took a deep breath before beginning a brisk pace to the throne room. The infirmary was conveniently close to the throne room, the singular hallway leading straight to my destination. However it was still a rather long hallway, giving me enough time to collect myself before coming to face my once fallen comrades once more.

However the façade was short lived upon entering the throne room. I came to an abrupt halt, feeling absolutely dumbstruck at the scene in front of me.

Four figures knelt on the floor, hunched over in a constant bow as my one and only father sat on his throne, legs crossed and the most amused look evident on his face. His starry gaze reflected the knowledge that this was unnecessary, however lost upon my friends who were too busy examining the floor.

It took me a moment before I partially regained my wits and composer. However once done, I quickly stepped into the situation.

"Hey Chaos, did you get new floors? Because they seem pretty captivated." I inquired, gesturing to Bianca, Zoe, Selina and Charles. They all tensed at the sudden appearance of a new person, but never looked up.

Chaos looked in my direction, a smile playing on his face. "Funny isn't it? I just wanted to see how long they'd hold that position. They've been like this every since you left 10 minutes ago." He explained, ignoring the question and instead answering with his own.

I crossed my arms, silently shaking my head in disproval at Chaos's antics. Honestly, sometimes I wondered who the mature one was.

Chaos sighed, turning back to my friends. "Alright, you may stand." He grumbled, looking displeased at the ruining of his fun.

Four sighs of relief rose into the air as they all stood up as one, trying to no avail to hide the newfound pain in the spines. However it was soon forgotten as their eyes landed on me.

"P-Percy?" Bianca sputtered, disbelieve in her voice as she froze in her spot. Her eyes widened along with the eyes of her comrades. "Is that you?"

I smiled weakly, self consciously trying to hide my wings behind me. "In the flesh!" I replied, trying to kept the emotion out of my voice. Over the course of their recoveries, I had avoided going to see them. The thought that they may not forgive me for their deaths continuously crossed my mind. After all, when recalling each of their deaths I seemed to be involved, even if just remotely.

I bit my lip as a horrible silence filled the room. Any second now they'd burst out and voice that which they couldn't due to the fault of yours truly. I squeezed my eyes shut, letting my bangs hang down to shadow this action.

Percy Jackson, Son of ChaosTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon