Wait a Second... YOU TRICKED ME!

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"I've decided."

Chaos's smirk vanished, instead replaced by bewilderment. "Already? It hasn't even been a minute and your ready to decided the fate of five other comrades?"

I smiled, reveiwing the decision in my head. When I really thought about it, the choice was simple and easy. "Yep." I replied, popping the 'P'.

Chaos perched his lips, but said nothing to protest. "If your sure, then I suppose I have no choice. Who are the five you wish to bring back to life in order to serve both you and I in your army?"

I stood up tall, absolutely confident in my decision. "For second in command, I would like Luke Castellan. For comrades, I would also like Bianca Di Angelo, Charles Beckendorf, Selina Beauregard, and Zoe Nightshade." I announced, confidence lacing my voice.

Chaos smiled warmly, seemingly pleased. "Good choices my boy. All strong and willing warriors. I have no doubts they will agree with your decisions."

I sighed in relief. Yes, I was confident that they were all good choices, but whether or not they would agree with me was another story. Hearing from someone else that they would agree really did easy my nerves.

There was a pause as neither Chaos nor I spoke. Each looking toward the other in expectance. Finally, after I thought I would explode from my anxiousness, I spoke. "So! Are you going to bring them here, or..."

Chaos looked up in surprise, a small smirk playing out on his lips. "Oh, you thought I was going to summon them or something? Oh no, that's not my job. If you want your friends, you have to go get them." He replied, amused.

"Wait, what? I have to go get them?" I replied, my eyebrows furrowing in confusion. What the heck did that mean?

Chaos chuckled, enjoying this. "Well you see, if you want your friends, you have to summon them using your powers."

My eyebrows shot up past my hair line. "My powers? I can't even use them yet!" I protested.

Chaos rolled his eyes, waving off my protests. "Oh, come on! It's easy! All you have to do is envision what you want, then put it into motion. It's really a simple science!"

I crossed my arms, completely confused but unwilling to show it. "Oh yeah? Explain it using scientific terms."

Chaos turn white, his all mighty posture disappearing in one mighty swoop. "Well... "

"It's really not that simple, is it?" I challenged, feeling smug as to knowing my own weaknesses and exploiting them in my father.

Chaos pouted, muttering something under his breath before opening back up again. "Okay, so it's not the easiest thing to explain. The only real way to teach you is to have you try it." He explained.

"Or... you could show me." I suggested, putting on an innocent face. If he really was anything like me, then maybe...

Chaos thought for a moment, before nodding. "Yes, I suppose that could work too. Alrighty then, stand back." Chaos warned, before standing up and walking into the middle of the throne room.

"Alright Percy, I'm going to try to walk you through this, so bare with me." He explained, while putting up one of his hands.

"By directing a object, such as your hand for example, in the direction you wish to aim your power, focusing your power becomes much easier. Remember this, the more focused your are, the more accurate and powerful the result will be." He explained, keeping his eyes focused on the spot in front of him.

I nodded slowly, that made since. "So then if I wanted to shoot compressed energy at someone, I would focus it into my hand and then outward?" I questioned, honestly interested.

Chaos smirked. "Your a fast learner. Yes, that is correct. Now, onto the next step. When you use your power, you must have a certain goal in mind. One that can be achieved with use of your power. You must also say this in your head, or for beginners, verbalize your intention in order to put there power into motion. This ensures that your power doesn't mistake your real intentions for something else." Chaos continued, still focused forward.

I rolled the new information over in my head. "Yes... that makes sense, but is there any way to stop a..."

"Spell." Chaos inserted.

"Yes, a spell. Is there anyway to stop it?" I agreed, inquiring as for future reference.

A grim look passed upon Chaos's face before he answered. "Yes, there is, but it can come with sever consequences for the caster. We will explore those effects later in your training, but right now, let's continue with this." He answered.

I nodded in agreement, letting him continue.

"Now, for your sake, I'm going to say the intentions of this spell out loud so as to demonstrate what I mean and what I expect you to do until you master this." Chaos explained, before his eyebrows furrowing in concentration. "Now, I summon thee from the depths of the underworld. To serve me in my new Chaos army, come Luke Castellan, Bianca Di Angelo, Charles Beckendorf, Selena Beauregard, and Zoe Nightshade. Answer my call and come forth!"

And just as he finished, a swirling shadow appeared in the middle of the throne room. The temperature dropped, as the light seemed to be sucked in by the swirling black hole. At first, nothing happened, but then, a glowing figure stepped through. Then another, and another, until five glowing figures stood before us, no features relevant.

I stepped back, fear striking my features. Was this what is was like to stare into a pure soul? A ghost?

An angel?

And just like that, the shadows dissipated. However, the five figures remained.

After a few moments, they seemed to be getting less bright. There brightness dulled by the pull back to reality. They were becoming solidified again.

And then, just as there features started to come into play, they all dropped like flies. Each one of them crumpled to the floor in a now lightless heap of warm body. Each one had pale skin, as though deprived of the sun their whole life. A direct result from being in the underworld for all that time. However, each one looked just as healthy as they were when they were alive.

Yep. The five crumbled figures on the floor were Luke, Bianca, Zoe, Charles, and Selena. All alive and breathing.

I stood in awe, almost not believing my eyes as I stared upon the sleeping forms of my friends. "Are they really - Is that - are they-" I was at a loss of words. luckily, Chaos understood what I was asking.

"Yes Percy, they are real. And they are alive." He explained gently, a warm look in his eyes. Finally, after all this time, I found a way to thank them for what they've done.

I paused for a second, finally assessing the situation. "Wait, why are they all asleep?" I questioned, inquiring as to the health of my friends.

"Their bodied endured quite a bit of stress being brought here, it will take a little while for them to regain their strength." He explained.


There was a silence, both of us staring upon the sleeping forms of my friends, before something struck Chaos. "Wait a second... weren't you supposed to summon them!"

I smiled up at him innocently. "Why what ever do you mean?"

Chaos snorted, his chest puffing out in frustration. "Just for that, you get double to amount of training and studies on how to use your powers."

I shrugged. "Okay? Is that supposed to be a punishment? You know I actually want to learn about that kind of stuff, right?" I informed him.

Chaos smiled evilly. "Oh your not going to want to learn about it once you realize just how painfully hard the subject is!" He yelled with glee, while I paled. Silently cursing myself for ever trying that.

There was a pause before I realized something. "Ummmm, shouldn't we move my friends off the cold, hard floor?"

Chaos thought for a moment before shrugging. "Eh, I'll get one of the guards to do it. Your free to go."

I shrugged before walking in the direction I hoped was my room. I was okay at getting to the throne room, getting back... well, that was other story.

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