Bad Dreams

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~Luke (Gotta love 'em!)~

I stretched, breathing in the blissfully warm air of August. It felt good to finally relax. After all, who wouldn't be tired after being tortured into doing a total of 15 minutes of household chores? That stuff was exhausting!

I slowly got out of the king sized bed, feeling the soft, turquoise sheets one last time before deciding to get dressed. I slipped on the usual gray T-Shirt and worn denim jeans before coming to the conclusion that my feet felt better on the cozy white carpet than in socks. With that in mind, I began my taxing trek down the stairs.

On my quest to the kitchen, something occurred to me. I have no idea how to cook.

Top Ramen Perhaps? No, not on a beautiful morning like this. Maybe...

I stumbled on the last step of the stair, catching myself on the wall and narrowly escaping a face to floor encounter. Instead the only result was a hushed curse and the resounding creak of the protesting wooden floors.

"Honey is that you?"

I froze, as the soothing voice floating to my ears from the kitchen. It was at that moment that I first noticed the smell of blueberry pancakes.

Of course! How could I have forgotten my wife? No wonder I haven't died of starvation yet.

"Uhh, yeah!" I called back, as I began to walk toward the table in a hunger induced daze. Those pancakes better be ready soon...

As if on cue, the resounding ding of the timer rang out, signaling the finish of my breakfast. Soon following came my wife holding a large plate stacked high with pancakes. "All done!"

My eyes followed the pancakes as they made their way to the table, a bit of drool stuck to my face as I once again breathed in their intoxicating aroma. I vaguely heard the rumble of my stomach as the pancakes came to rest in front of me. And boy were they beautiful.

A total of six pancakes, came stacked on a white plate. A single slice of butter lay on the very top, slowly melting into the fluffy heaven that was my pancakes. The gooey goodness of maple syrup oozed down the tower of cakes, bringing with it a sugary sweet taste to the slight bitter of the blueberries inside. There was only one problem...

They were blue.

"Umm, honey? Why are my pancakes blue-" I inquired as I slowly looked up to meet the eyes of my wife... which were sea green?

I gaped in horror as the infamous Perseus Jackson stood before me, dressed in a heart shaped, hot pink, laced apron and a brilliant white smile. He opened his mouth, and said in the same soothing voice he used before, "Why, what ever do you mean?".

I jolted awake, eyes wide as saucers as they franticly searched the room for any remnants of the hell that was my last dream. I vaguely felt the beads of sweat roll down my forehead as my sky-blue eyes came to rest on a very smug looking Percy. (Dressed in regular clothes I might add).

"Wow, you look great! Is that bed head a new look?" Percy inquired, sarcasm lacing his voice. Wait, did he look different? Hmm... probably just a growth spurt.

I sputtered a bit, unable to find the appropriate words to describe my death defying experience. "I.. " I gulped hard, clenching my fists as to stop their shaking. "I just had the worst nightmare ever." I replied breathlessly, leaning away from the boy next to me a bit.

Percy tilted his head quizzically, putting on his best 'I-totally-care-about-your-problems' face. "Tell me about it."

I shuttered, images of wife-Percy flashing through my brain. "I'd rather not actually."

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