Blood, Drool and Drama

421 11 5


Gods Chaos was a jerk.

Like seriously! Locking me in this room of torture for what? "Training purposes"? I think not.

We all know he was just trying to show off in front of my friends. But that's my job. Get your own posy to impress 'cause they're mine!

I inhaled deeply as the room settled around me and the resounding click of the doors unlocking filled my ears. Weird how the "all mighty" creator of the universe still relies on pad locks to keep possessions safe (or in this case me in). True, they were magically reinforced, but still. You'd think he'd have something cooler like rabid beasts or a wild Thalia guarding his doors.

My face contorted in discomfort as I rubbed my cheek, recalling a rather... unfortunate encounter with said daughter of Zeus. On second thought maybe that's for the best...

I ran a jittery hand through my hair as I simultaneously opened one of the doors with my other. The heavy metal heaved against its restraints as I struggled to calm my pumping adrenaline.

Training days were getting easier, which meant either Chaos was easing up, or I was getting stronger. Both of which I would except with open arms.

However if I was getting stronger, it was only a matter of time before training started getting harder and along with it, possibly missions.

I shook the thought from my head, not quite ready to jump back into the fray. For now, I had more important things to worry about. My friends' initiation being one thing.

I turned down one of the hall ways, beginning my trek to the throne room. Assuming of course that Chaos wasn't nice enough to give me a break, the only other logical reason would be it was time for my comrades to be sworn into service of the throne. Something I was both ecstatic over and dreading. True, I would finally be able to fight along side my friends again, but at what cost? The possibility that I could lose one of them again constantly loomed over me. I caused their deaths once, what's to say it won't be any different this time?

I stopped, my eyes pricking as I slammed a fist into the wall in anger. I wouldn't let that happen to them. Not now and not ever again. No one was going to die on my watch ever again. But there was only one way to ensure that would remain true...

"I have to get stronger." The words pushed past my teeth as they ground together in frustration. "I will get stronger!" I slammed my fist into the wall again, feeling the unearthly substance cave beneath my now bloodied fist.

And just like that, the anger and adrenaline left. My fist dropped to my side where is hung limp. I felt drained, somehow at a loss of energy as I strode on my path once more, words–lost on my ears but found by another's–mumbled under my breath.

"No matter the cost..."


I frowned as his last thoughts reached mine. It was probably not okay to listen to other people's thoughts—actually it was down right rude—but that never stopped me before so it wouldn't now.

No matter the cost...

The words repeated themselves in my head as the many meanings began playing out in my thoughts. Many of which were not to my liking. That mindset wasn't exactly healthy, nor was it comforting however it was the mindset of a leader with true loyalty. One that you could always count on to do what they thought best for the team. However, that very same thing could be our demise.

If Percy pursues the wrong people in search of power to help his friends...

"It could be catastrophic..."

Percy Jackson, Son of ChaosOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora