A Harsh Reality

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I stood before the Olympians, arms crossed as I listened to the steady pace of Poseidon's footsteps on the marble floors. It had been nearly a week since Percy's "disappearance" and, as anyone could tell, the sea god was not taking it well.

Poseidon's pace came to an abrupt stop, as he burst forth. "How could he just disappear? It just doesn't make sense! One moment he's there, then the next, poof! He's gone without a trace!" He erupted, a crazed look in his eye. No one could have predicted the toll Percy's disappearance would have taken on him, and if they could have made a guess, it definitely wouldn't have been near insanity.

Zeus gave his brother a weary look, eyeing him up and down. "Please brother, calm yourself. We will find him soon enou-" He started, but was interrupted by none other than the very person he spoke to.

"No brother! 'Soon enough' won't cut it this time. Not after every other time you've simply blown off his disappearance and nearly gotten him killed in the process!" And the sound of his own words, the sea god's eyes widened.

Zeus, not able to stand the sight of his brother any longer, turned to me, his eyes filled with suspicion. "And your sure he was there before nightfall?" He asked, eyebrows raised with authority.

I nodded, my hands folded calmly behind my back. "Yes, I spoke to him only hours before."

"Then you have no idea of his whereabouts?" Athena chimed in, catching onto Zeus's lack of importance in the previous question.

I beat the ground nervously with a hoof, though I still betrayed a calm demeanor. "That," I began, looking the goddess straight in the eyes as I said it. "I did not say."

At this, a gasp ran through the room, stopping Poseidon dead in his tracks. "What?" Fumed the sea god, his voice harsh with disbelief. "You mean to tell me you've had an idea of where my son is, and you haven't spoken a word of it?!"

I stood straighter, excepting the wrath of Poseidon. After all, put in his position, any parent would be as furious.

I paced the room, a steady beat playing out, as I calmly gazed into the eyes of each and every Olympian.

"I understand how you must feel right now, but as of this moment I take orders from not you, nor even the Fates, but rather an even higher power. I dare stand before to offer the consent of at least knowing that young Percy is indeed alive, but alas, that is all I may share with you." I finished pacing, standing in the exact place as were I had started. The Olympians' eyes rested on me with a mixture of both confusion and utter betrayal, especially from Poseidon.

Zeus huffed, his chest swelling with furry as his face turned as red as a beet. "You dare insult us as you have!? You have no righ-" He began, but I cut him off, my voice sharp as I retorted.

"On the contrary Zeus, I have every right for, as I said before, I take orders from that of a higher power than any of yours combined." I grinned a bit as Zeus' eyes bulged with utter rage. Though before he could say anything more, Ares cut in.

"You speak of a higher power. Surely there is no one of higher importance than us as individuals let alone combined." Ares seemed humored by even the suggestion that anyone could be greater than himself. If only he knew...

"Ares is right... For once. Who is this 'higher power' you speak of Chiron?" Athena added, glancing toward the ignorant god of war. She displayed an equally calm expression, radiating a sense of absolute control.

I shifted slightly under her gaze, suddenly feeling the eyes of all the Olympians boring into my very soul. And yet, I stared the goddess down in an equally flat expression. "Whom you say do I speak of?" A smiled a bit as I predicted the reaction out of most, if not all the Olympians. "Why, I speak of none other than the creator of this very universe! I speak of Chaos."

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