Tough Decisions

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~3rd Person~

The brilliant lights of New York flashed by as a certain Blonde starred out the window of a city bus, her stormy-grey eyes calculating as she sit deep in thought.

It had been nearly a month now. A month since Annabeth Chase had first learned of her father's death. One month since she had began to push her friends away and, unfortunately, one month since she had upped and left Camp Half-Blood and, her one true love, Perseus Jackson.

Annabeth sighed, bringing her hand up to stroke her golden curls as she recalled Percy. His messy raven hair that seemed to never be brushed. That goofy smile he always wore whenever he saw Annabeth. His smooth voice that always seemed to cheer her up. But most of all, his dazzling sea-green eyes, so full of love and passion. She never got tired of them, and even in the worst of times, they always seemed to cheer her up.

So why, then, did she leave?

Annabeth leaning into her cushioned seat, the cold leather providing little comfort against the brisk night air. Her dad's death was still a constant thought, the wound that was his death still fresh and bleeding. Despite this, the need to see Percy still plastered her every thought. Those sea-green eyes she longed for boring into her soul, even from the great distance that separated them.

Annabeth leaned her head on the glass window as she watched New York zip by. She couldn't help but awe at the copious number of people in the city. Every since she was just a small girl, Camp Half-Blood had been her home. The small village atop the hill that nobody ever bothered. It was the one place that she felt save, the one place that offered her shelter when no else had.

And yet, when Camp Half-Blood was in need of her, when all the trust they had built had began to crack, she left without a second thought.

Annabeth yawned, the heat of her breath causing the window to fog over. A stroke of drowsiness suddenly reminded her of how late it was. She hadn't stopped traveling since she first left Camp Half-Blood, struggling to find out what little she could about her father's death, and now, returning to the place she left.

Annabeth's eyes began to droop as she found herself hugging her knees for warmth. The seat of a city bus wasn't the comfiest spot to sleep, but it would do until she reached Camp.

~15 minutes later :P~

The bus hit a bump as it wound through the streets of the city, slowly reaching its final stop.

Annabeth rubbed her head in discomfort, having hit it on the glass window. She squinted against the sudden brightness of the LED lights that surrounded the bus, her eyes having not adjusting to them yet.

Annabeth sat up, her blonde curls hanging in her face, as she looked around the bus at the remaining passengers. Only three still rode the bus, all waiting to be let off at the last stop.

Two seats in front of Annabeth a boy around the age of 22 sat, earbuds in and hood partially up. The distant sound of a base and electric guitar told her that he was listening to rock.

On the other side of the isle, near the front of the bus, a boy who looked to be about five sat next to his mother. On the top have of his body he wore only a tank top, revealing his bony and pale arms. Spasms of shivers left the poor boy curling up next to his mother, desperate to salvage what little body heat he could from the woman whom birthed him.

In complete contrast to her son, the woman next to him seemed quite annoyed by the presence of her child, a constant glare focused on his head of unkempt brown curls. She wore a thick black coat, clumps of gray fur sticking out from the collar. She wore a gunmetal-gray scarf and leather gloves to match. Her size and apparent weight tipped Annabeth off to the fact that she ate quite well, whereas her son seemed to never eat at all.

Percy Jackson, Son of ChaosOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz