"Training Purposes"

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~3rd Person~

Percy groaned as he turned over, cocooned in his sheets and wings for comfort. True, he hadn't trained yesterday, but his muscles still ached with the memory of that chamber of torture. Something he figured only a great amount of time spent away would fix.

No pain no game though right?

Percy sighed before unraveling his sheets and stretching his raven-black wings to their full length. Despite the aches and pains, he still felt more refreshed than he had in quite some time. Perhaps it was the lack of nightmares? Or maybe...

"Shit I over slept!" In his panic, Percy almost forgot to get dressed, reaching for the handle before realizing his unbecoming lack of clothing. So, as quickly as his muscles would allow, Percy threw on the appropriate attire and raced down the winding hallways towards the training room.

Upon arrival, he was met with the cheerful face of his father. "Percy! How nice of you to join us! Training has already started but you're quite welcome to join in." Chaos explained, gesturing towards the swirling shadows mirroring the inside of the training room. On it, five figures clad in similar black pants and gray shirts ducked and dodged oncoming attacks by their surroundings.

Percy paused, lost in thought as he watched his friends fight for the first time in so long before remembering the situation at hand. "Not that I'm complaining, but why didn't you wake me up?"

Chaos smiled innocently. "How could I? You looked to peaceful dreamlessly sleeping that I didn't have the heart to wake you up!"

Percy blushed lightly but didn't respond. Instead, he turned toward the image of his friends. "So what do you have in store for us today?" He asked, mindlessly watching Silena throw a dagger to redirect one heading straight for her head.

Chaos, also lost in watching my friends, replied dully. "Just assessing their skills. I must say, I wasn't expecting them to be such great fighters. You sure chose a good team to work with."

"I just chose those who I thought wouldn't mind having a second chance." Percy explained, subconsciously mimicking Luke's stance as he held his sword at ready. "Even so, underestimating a demigod, especially one that's been through as much as they have, can prove fatal."

Chaos nodded meekly. "I'll keep that in mind."

After a time of watching his son's teammates fight, Chaos came back to his senses. "Right! You need to start training with them. They may be good fighters, but a team is incomplete without its leader."

Percy frowned at hearing this. He hated being called a leader, let alone being one. Sure, he was a natural, but being a leader meant taking on the weight of the lives now in your hands. That was something that never bode well with him.


Percy jumped as he was brought out of his thoughts. "Right, sorry. I'll just be going then. Can't keep my team waiting forever!" He said before putting on a weak smile.

Chaos frowned, unconvinced but deciding it better not to pry. Instead, he watched his son walk toward the double doors of the training room in worry. He knew Percy had bad experiences with being a leader, what with the weight of the many deaths he bore. He just hoped that anxiety didn't affect his ability to have fun with his friends too much.


Holy Hades I was exhausted.

After being woken up at god knows what hour, we were greeted with daggers, arrows and other pointy objects flying at our heads. Somehow, despite my overwhelming desire for it not to be, I had a feeling that this was the usual from now until... well, let's not think about that!

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